Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [unc] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As soon as Pepin le Bref was dead , Aquitaine revolted , presumably hoping to take advantage of the disagreement between the old king 's heirs and re-establish independence .
2 To fasten one 's emotional seat-belt is not easy but the first consideration — that of the old person 's needs and wishes-has to be kept constantly in mind .
3 ‘ Then try , dear , ’ Mrs Browning urged , ‘ not to get in a temper to match his , rise above the poor old gentleman 's tantrums and meet his ravings with dignity . ’
4 I agree unreservedly with the right hon. Gentleman 's comments and believe that they will be echoed throughout the country .
5 I am not persuaded by the hon. Gentleman 's arguments that to have proportional representation would necessarily persuade Glaswegians to vote Conservative .
6 This museum includes the history of the British Army 's Pioneers and displays the history of the Corps since 1939 .
7 And it 's a very different matter if you can start tracing sexual spider 's webs that link fabulous-looking women with men who ought to be unrelated : secretaries of state on the one hand and ( say ) drug-dealers , gun-runners , con-men , terrorists or Russian spies on the other .
8 The new building , which is at the junction of Cadogan Street and West Campbell Street , is light , airy and open plan , making it ideal for Direct Line 's telesales and teleclaims operations .
9 Aware of the interest in low cost housing for rent and purchase in the area , sparked by the Eldonian housing development activities , the Corporation 's Draft Area Strategy ( MDC , 1989c ) incorporated consultant 's findings and earmarked land for a balance of housing type and tenure .
10 Programmes are tailored to an individual student 's requirements and includes training in research skills ( see page 9 ) .
11 She did not beg her , as Cati did — Rosa had heard her — to help her be good , help her to be pure , and never have dirty thoughts or put her fingers in dirty places ; instead she fixed on the amber doe 's eyes that had gushed , above the hilt of a sword , which was studded with bright glass stones and stuck out from the statue 's brocade costume .
12 He had informed his silent audience of the death — just ‘ death ’ — of Dr Kemp ; explained that in order to establish the , er , totality of events , it would be necessary for everyone to complete a little questionnaire ( duly distributed ) , sign and date it , and hand it in to Sergeant Lewis ; that the departure of the coach would have to be postponed until late afternoon , perhaps , with lunch by courtesy of The Randolph ; that Mr Cedric Downes had volunteered to fix something up for that morning , from about 10.45 to 12.15 ; that ( in Morse 's opinion ) activity was a splendid antidote to adversity , and that it was his hope that all the group would avail themselves of Mr Downes 's kind offer ; that if they could all think back to the previous day 's events and try to recall anything , however seemingly insignificant , that might have appeared unusual , surprising , out-of-character — well , that was often just the sort of thing that got criminal cases solved .
13 Mergers with Leamington Spa , the Hendon and the Hampshire increased B&B 's assets and expanded its capital base at a time of severe slump in the housing market .
14 Joe has been learning the great man 's speeches and studying his mannerisms , but does he really look likely Winston at all ?
15 The Treasury says the decision to change the basis of treatment , announced by Peter Lilley , Trade and Industry Secretary , on February 13 , came too late to affect the current year 's figures but have been included in the 1993–94 estimates .
16 From Micky who 's one of the most successful record pro producers that has ever been , he said if you have n't got an audience in the first thirty seconds you ai n't got the audience .
17 We have spent some passionate evenings together changing traveller 's cheques and looking for medicine to cure stomach disorders .
18 Encina modules are priced at between $400 to $1,800 for low end RS/6000 machines and reaching to $3,200 — $14,000 at the high end .
19 ‘ Funny , ’ says Hulk Hogan , just before Secret Shine turn up in their bloodied butcher 's aprons and dismember him with their thumbs so they can use his torso to stir some soup made from doctors , ‘ I thought all the bands on Sarah were useless , overly well-spoken , terminally passive rock inadequates wallowing in their own love of wimping insipidness . ’
20 The brothers enjoyed the hedonistic pleasures of the big city 's pleasures that did not come cheaply .
21 If it was the Conservative Party 's circumstances that gave Maxse 's brand of radical Conservatism its appeal , it was also the change in the party 's circumstances wrought by the war which relegated Maxse to the margins of Conservative politics .
22 In order to prepare an informed and adroit response to the Welsh Office on its proposed package of measures , CPRW has invited a number of people with special skills , experience and expertise to meet under the chairmanship of Professor Michael Haines , to consider the Welsh Office 's proposals and offer advice on the most appropriate response for CPRW .
23 After destroying the abandoned village 's crops and rounding up the Nez Perce cattle , Whipple 's troops marched north-west to Cottonwood , having ‘ stirred up a new hornet 's nest ’ .
24 Then he was back , sliding his arm nonchalantly round Tug 's shoulders and smiling into the evening light .
25 There is a difference between placing yourself ( with your own experience and motivation ) ill the other person 's shoes and trying to see what his view is ( with his experience and motivations ) .
26 Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the other person 's shoes and see the situation from their point of view .
27 If you can put yourself in the other person 's shoes and think about how they might feel , it will certainly help if you let them know that .
28 ‘ One member of staff left for a moment and a man in his mid-30s appeared out of nowhere with what appeared to be a gun and pushed it into the other assistant 's ribs and asked for the money .
29 Before either of his listeners could reply to these curt instructions , fitzAlan shoved his reins into the other man 's hands and strode off towards the forebuilding without another word .
30 The only other alternative would be for the court to disregard one of the clauses and hold that one party had , by conduct , accepted the other party 's terms and waived its own , including the provision providing that it should not be taken as accepting any other terms .
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