Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [modal v] be [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A simple model based on the homology of CytR with the LacI protein might be that CytR contains an NH 2 -terminal DNA binding domain ( equivalent to the LacI headpiece ( 38 ) ) that is connected with the dimerization domain of the protein through a flexible hinge region as was recently described for the α2 protein in yeast ( 39 , 40 ) .
2 Besides , as pecuniary punishments may increase the number of robbers , by increasing the number of poor , and may deprive an innocent family of subsistence , the most proper punishment will be that kind of slavery , which alone can be called just ; that is , which makes society , for a time , absolute master of the person , and labour of the criminal , in order to oblige him to repair , by this dependence , the unjust despotism he usurped over the property of another , and his violation of the social compact .
3 An old woman can be more expert in the love of God — and less worldly too — than your theologian with his useless studying .
4 A less complimentary analysis might be that value was placed on this because intellectual stimulation was at a premium on that unit .
5 Mr Havel 's Civic Forum may be some way behind East Germany 's New Forum , but it can draw upon a reservoir of informally networked dissent which dates back more than a decade .
6 Mr Havel 's Civic Forum may be some way behind East Germany 's New Forum , but it can draw upon a reservoir of informally networked dissent which dates back more than a decade .
7 Drug , anti-drug legislation may be another thing .
8 A less obvious example might be some relationship between , say , size of shop and type of credit available through that shop .
9 Full national union would be another century in coming .
10 More important in the long run will be those organisations which have begun to change their career structure , thus enabling more older people to be employed or retrained to such employers as British Rail and Sussex Police .
11 Well what I can find are eight days , where for two hours , my primary focus can be these labels , producing the labels .
12 An alternative explanation might be that pregnancy increases the risk of gall stone formation only transiently .
13 One would have thought that its very existence would be some sort of deterrent .
14 This fatalistic ageism can be another reason for failing to discuss the problems and difficulties of caring for ageing relatives as they arise — there is no point , for there is no possibility of change taking place .
15 Another important consideration might be that infection is not important in determining mortality in critically ill patients and that the type of infection seen in these patients ( that is , nosocomial infections ) is the consequence of their illness rather than the cause of it .
16 More generally , therefore , an employee 's initial idea may be several steps ahead of the present state-of-the-art and yet be too far removed from practical and profitable application to be of immediate benefit .
17 Nonetheless , Butler showed that there is little justification for taking egoistic hedonism , or even an egoistic psychology which is not hedonistic , as based on obvious fact , and that the initial presumption must be that concern for the welfare of others is what it seems , the direct wish for their welfare .
18 An immediate response might be that quantity appears to be all that counts .
19 The most critical period will be this winter 's round of wage negotiations .
20 The closest to an available touchstone will be those rights which , at any one time , have survived the rigours of debate and enjoy the protection of a legal system .
21 About literality and freedom in the rendering of poetic texts , however , the applied linguists are not altogether at ease ; Hatim and Mason ( 1990 ) allude to Roman Jakobson 's argument that in a poem " formal aspects of the linguistic code become part of the meaning , so that translation proper is impossible " — in other words , that the only option may be some form of creative equation in which the resources of the target language are searched for equivalents or compensatory balances .
22 He had a feeling that precious moment would be some time away .
23 If we work as well together in 1993 as we did in ‘ 92 Pest Control and the people in it will continue to prosper and this coming year will be another success story .
24 Interspersed with the musical entertainment would be several lectures .
25 A crude summary of this political position would be that child care policies remove the children of the poor and attempt to absorb them into the middle class .
26 Gatfield is still surprised by the record-buying public 's assumption that the first record they purchase by a new act must be that artist 's first release .
27 Maybe if she confided in Kelly about her background , the other woman would be more understanding , Shannon thought ruefully .
28 ‘ It is frankly ridiculous that the new Bill should be more restriction than the original 1950 Act , ’ he said .
29 He said only the Tories offered hope to small businesses and attacked Labour 's minimum wage policy , commenting : ‘ One man 's minimum wage would be another man 's P45 . ’
30 He said only the Tories offered hope to small businesses and attacked Labour 's minimum wage policy , commenting : ‘ One man 's minimum wage would be another man 's P45 . ’
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