Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [be] [adv] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The Capellans , indulgent as ever , had trusted them in ours until it became obvious the same hideous trick was about to be played again .
2 Violent and peaceful social interaction is not to be understood through the search for a thing called ‘ aggression ’ , but through the sensitive and detailed explication of the values and meanings that embody and shape behaviour in different social settings .
3 Prelates of a less combative temperament were still to be found organizing defences or , like Gynewell of Lincoln , directly arming the clergy of their dioceses .
4 However , Lanzarote 's swinging , lively nightlife is not to be missed and there 's a good selection of restaurants within five minutes , and a lovely bar terrace can be found right next door in Cinco 's Plaza .
5 When a company relies on PCs for its entire business , however , the direct route is not to be recommended .
6 Elizabeth and I turned on him severely , and told him that someone who was both old and a distinguished writer was not to be bothered with such things .
7 The pre-packed range is shortly to be expanded to include maintenance and low-protein diets : I suggest any interested BKKS section or other Koi group gets in touch with Steve Kuzio
8 In 1826 , when the members of the British Factory were worried by reports that a daily newspaper was about to be published in Funchal , they decided to set up a find for the protection of any British subject attacked by the newspaper .
9 The bleedin' stuff 's not to be shaken up . ’
10 His potential for convincing , intense , even poetic realism was not to be conveyed for some time .
11 a In Gardynik , it was held , dismissing an appeal by the defendant , that sexual assault was not to be equated with the former offence of indecent assault , with its highly subjective moral overtones .
12 Where an old person is still to be seen at the centre of a web of relationships that extend down the generations and through the individual members to the community beyond it can be quite startling how the pleasure derived from life remains undiminished despite quite severe physical and material handicaps .
13 The latter could be reached by a majority vote among the nine : unanimity in the High Authority was not to be necessary .
14 After some time one became aware that members of a quite different clan were also to be found scattered in little clusters throughout the open-plan living area .
15 But those who expected him to make a significant impact on the British championship were soon to be disappointed .
16 They know that yet another public asset is about to be hived off , with more promises of greater efficiency and better public service .
17 And it makes it easier for the slash-and-burn cultivators to get in rather than sort of coming in gradually round the edges , there are now great swathes cut through tropical rainforest at Amazonia certainly , and the Trans-Scabon railway is about to be put through which again will make it easier for the sort of to come in , and I think that should be bourn in mind .
18 The natives in the area assert that social worth is not to be defined in terms of such universalistic notions as class , but rather in terms of length of residence i.e. they make ‘ rank ’ a distinction between the established and the outsiders ( see especially Newby , 1977 , 1979 ; Newby , Bell , Rose and Saunders 1978 ; Pahl 1965 ) .
19 The king 's body , together with a number of priceless gold and bejewelled kerises attached to the scarlet wrappings , was handed into the grotto , but just as the carved wooden cover was about to be hammered into place behind it , Lorne announced that it was imperative to film the door being closed from the inside .
20 The main elements of an editorial system were still to be tackled .
21 Her foul-mouthed old mother was also to be seen at the school ‘ meetings ’ , shouting about the bottoms , while children hurled abuse and insult and accusations at one another .
22 The weakness of the tidal interaction with the Sun may mean that even after 4600 Ma synchronous rotation is yet to be achieved , and that in the distant future the retrograde rotation will cease and then the requisite slow prograde rotation will build up .
23 The Declaration recognized that such radical economic readjustment policies in several of the countries present had already entailed widespread " sacrifice " and that this had to end if true social justice were ever to be achieved .
24 The Scottish Office is yet to be guaranteed a slot for the legislation in the next session of parliament .
25 The architectural solution was ultimately to be found and perfected in Italy in the sixteenth century , but the contributions of English and French experience to these discoveries was not negligible .
26 The European Council is not to be confused with the Council of Europe , based in Strasbourg , and founded in 1949 to organise cooperation between European parliamentary democracies and raise awareness of what Europe means in cultural terms ( by means , for example , of a series of large exhibitions , of which the Vikings show currently in Paris is one , see p. 13 ) .
27 The economic slump was nowhere to be seen , but hairline recession was another thing .
28 The regional dimension is principally to be found in 5(b) , which represented an addition to the previously stated objectives of the EAGGF Guidance Section , to improve productivity in the agricultural sector , assist in the provision of infrastructure and in the promotion of structural change among farms in rural areas .
29 Yet the limits of his moral perception were not to be enlarged .
30 This scriptural insistence is naturally to be found set out most clearly in the Dogmatic Constitution on Revelation , but it is in fact present in all the important documents .
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