Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [conj] i had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I could n't kick a door if I was sat on the bloody latch so I had to do something else . ’
2 Then she flew on to a high window-sill and I had to ask the headmaster to bring me a ladder so that I could bring her down .
3 I had to lift my gaze from the old dashboard that I had sat in front of for more than sixty years to a new one , and the only new one I knew of displayed the dials and instruments of what is called holistic medicine and which at that time I took to be something I knew virtually nothing about .
4 On Monday there was the English paper — mainly Twelfth Night , which was money for old rope as I had played Feste at school .
5 By the time he had sorted everybody out and told them how to get to Bridlington it was too late for me to use my free pass and I had to pay half fare .
6 My time in submarines had brought me closer to people of a totally different background and I had learnt a great deal from my sailors about their home circumstances before the war .
7 Something inside that empty bottle that I had ignored for so long was hitting back .
8 I left the crew to fend for themselves ; they were a married couple , after all , and I remembered a small trattoria in a back street where I had enjoyed a candlelit meal .
9 The only time I 've ever frozen in an exam was when I 'd gone for three exams solid without kip , one after the other , and I just brain and the other ones were a real struggle and I had to graft my marks out of solid granite y'know I was chiselling away .
10 As , only a few months ago , she very charmingly killed a similar measure that I had introduced I doubly welcome her support now .
11 I was having a nervous breakdown and I had to decide whether I was going to spend the rest of my life hiding under a bed , or whether I was going to do what I wanted to do . ’
12 But I still felt as though I 'd have a nervous breakdown if I had to cope for much longer … .
13 Regardless , a 12-minute delay before I had started and the pound signs were ringing up .
14 But just at that crucial point , fuel had run out , and my entire crew and I had perished in a piece of computer sand that will be forever Hackney .
15 A victory over an animal is a hollow one and I had the uncomfortable feeling that I had deprived him of his chief pleasure .
16 ‘ Well I have n't heard the official report because I had to go to my board meeting , but if you ask me , Maggie 's dragon did it . ’
17 ‘ My surgeon says further surgery would be morally wrong as it could affect my future health but I had to make an effort to get back after the England tour went wrong .
18 The hon. Gentleman made a totally false comparison before he made the totally false allegation that I had misled the House .
19 I ought to be on holiday , but I was n't : this was merely a brief interlude before I had to report to that wretched banker and enmesh myself in a host of false relationships in the Ingard office , to try to discover — what ?
20 Very enjoyable indeed , after the very rough fare that I had become used to living in the slit trench .
21 But my children were as amazed at this strange petrel with its eerie call as I had hoped they would be .
22 ‘ I 've got pretty good hearing but I had to wait almost a moment before I could imagine I could hear anything .
23 It was a long time since I had helped to ring shear waters on Skokholm , another of the Pembrokeshire islands , and I wanted my children to see — and hear — the strange petrels .
24 It was a long time since I had bought a card to celebrate the arrival of a new baby .
25 Indeed , the fact that he did not refer her to a different psychiatrist convinced me for a long time that I had misconstrued the situation .
26 Under the high side there was a grey Buick that I had seen Harvey driving and a long black Lincoln Continental that looked like the President of the United States had come over for pizza and beer .
27 One very important thing that I had noticed since we landed in Normandy five days ago was that no one had any problem with insomnia. quite the reverse .
28 Clubs were cancelling mid-week bookings due to short time and I had to travel farther afield to find work .
29 I was desperate to prevent the angry outburst that I had expected in the restaurant happening here , in this even more public place .
30 If Robert came to you and said in his gentle , somehow caressingly placid voice that I had admitted or confessed to him in ‘ obvious distress ’ that I had pushed my penis up between the hired legs of more than one hundred and fifty tarts ( including three on one single day , or two on one single bed ) then you would probably believe him .
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