Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] she [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When the three of them got up to leave , Melissa glanced across at Dora and met a look of concentrated malevolence that took her by surprise .
2 SIX people accused of kidnapping a teenage girl and turning her into a human torch appeared in court yesterday .
3 She went to the Labour Bureau and the clerk there told her that she would be passed fit for clerical work and sent her to the Ministry of Defence Office .
4 Violette had set up as a paper restorer , an arcane occupation which took precise scientific skill but involved her in outlandish escapades with police and businessmen or lawyers .
5 Sheffield Crown Court heard that the man , who ca n't be named for legal reasons , kidnapped his twenty seven year old wife and took her to an isolated spot on the moors above the city and raped and sexually assaulted her .
6 I towed her over to the muddy shore and flung her aboard Flupper .
7 Then he drove for 45 minutes to a deserted spot and raped her before dumping his sobbing victim in the village of Cheriton , near Winchester , Hants — 10 miles from where he first struck .
8 At ten past eight that evening , when he ran downstairs to answer his outer doorbell and found her on the doorstep , it was as if he had been kicked in the stomach .
9 He threw the luggage into the boot of her hired car and helped her into the front seat .
10 THE gritty determination that took her to the top as Coronation Street 's Ivy has always been there .
11 Having been thwarted in his aims , was he going to swoop down at some unsuspected moment and engage her in another haranguing match ?
12 I suspected that the lesion might by pyogenic granuloma and referred her to the dermatology outpatient clinic .
13 Miranda and Angus sat in a velvet-lined , crimson booth that reminded her of an old-fashioned railway carriage .
14 He and Dorothy would lie in wait the following day and cudgel her to death .
15 Arrangements would somehow have to be made , for Kathleen , unstable , light-headed and suggestible as she was , might some day take outside advice and consign her to an institution .
16 She came off the slope at an uncontrollable pace that took her across the clearing and into the trees .
17 Without half a bottle of red wine inside me I might have slipped on the slimy breakwater , but I jump onto the stony beach and chase her along the shore .
18 And once , as she filmed in WPc uniform in London 's Shepherd 's Bush market , a woman who had been mugged thought she was the real Bill and begged her for help .
19 Anything would have been better than this ice-cold contempt that cut her to the bone .
20 You could place the female Guppy in a breeding trap or a separate tank and return her to the main tank after she has given birth .
21 When the olive-skinned Valentino was seen kidnapping a white girl and taking her to his tent where he seduced her , cinema audiences were treated to a franker exposé of naked lust on the screen than they had ever seen before .
22 She walked away along the corridor with the sinuous grace of a cat — an alley-cat , Shae thought , with a sudden savagery that took her by surprise .
23 He laughed , a warm , comfortable sound that reminded her of homely , rustic things like sleek cattle and woolly sheep grazing on a West Country hillside .
24 ‘ I 'll see you on Saturday , same time , same place , ’ Edward said giving her a quick peck and pushing her up the steps of the bus .
25 In her imagination Louisa saw the man confronted by the chill implacable will which had seized her own hand the previous night and imprisoned her in confidence … that sacred confidence .
26 A hard , swift kiss that robbed her of thought entirely .
27 And he nibbled at her lips again , before catching them in another long exploratory kiss that brought her to a threshold of physical pleasure she had never before experienced .
28 Well , Mrs. Jewkes , if it were not for the thought of that cursed parson I believe in my heart , so great is my weakness , that I could yet forgive this intriguing little slut and take her to my bosom .
29 She wanted to check , but Sharpe pushed her through a gap in a straggling hedgerow and spurred her across an undulating pasture which , years before , had been under the plough and the old furrows still formed corrugations that faced Sharpe like waves of pale grass .
30 Reluctantly she stepped on to a moving walkway that carried her through a mishmash of exotic atmospheres .
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