Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Visit your nearest Clinique counter for a personal skin analysis on the famous Clinique Computer and find out which three products are right for your 3 Step skincare programme .
2 Either through work which involves training the imagination ( in the sense of being an ‘ image-making ’ faculty ) or spontaneously , a woman may have an intimation of a female guide , a feminine presence that watches over her life .
3 Now , as every year , Mary , back to the pews , bottom upended , fumbled in Mrs Ellenby 's old wooden crib and brought out her best and largest doll , smiling , pouting , celluloid , with hard eyes on a metal hinge that clattered open and shut , open and shut as the wavering child righted herself , thrust it up briefly and apologetically before the congregation and pushed it back under the blankets .
4 Sergeant King 's widow Monica sat clutching a handkerchief in the public gallery and heard how her husband died last November of four stab wounds to the head and neck and four wounds to the chest , one of which hit his heart .
5 ‘ I 'm afraid they 'll just move onto the public pavement and keep up their din .
6 This moment is the proper conclusion that sums up what has now been accomplished .
7 Do they correspond to legitimate scientific knowledge or do n't they ?
8 Why not try to follow their carefree example and shrug off your worries and woes ?
9 Why not try to follow their carefree example and shrug off your worries and woes ?
10 Take , for example , the case of the round teabag , a commercial victory that owed almost everything to research .
11 There remained only a narrow gauge track , reminiscent of an Emmett railway and called the Meusien , that was designed to supply the wants of a peacetime garrison , and the second-class road that ran alongside it for some fifty miles from Barle-Due .
12 If you are a student , you will more than likely be spoilt for choice in the social life that revolves around your educational establishment .
13 Newman raised his own right hand in a diversionary gesture and whipped up his right foot .
14 You will need to give the electoral registration officer a detailed reason and explain where you will be on polling day , and why .
15 We eventually found the car by good luck more than good management ; I wished we 'd had time to start from the top end and find how we 'd gone wrong .
16 But do n't underestimate the impact of the sartorial noose that hangs around your neck .
17 Not knowing what else to do , Theda first found a fresh cap and tucked away her dangerous locks , and then began to lay out her clothes , retrieving her portmanteau from under the bed .
18 The little creatures have an endless appetite , and a digestive system that turns almost anything into perfect compost .
19 The hypocrite , presented in asides and soliloquies , is given the theatrical medium that suits exactly his isolation over and against his fellow men .
20 By which time the sexual revolution was also wearing a bit thin and became more to do with increasing women 's availability to men than the sexual autonomy and control over our own bodies we had all been promised .
21 Introduction — which places the work in a historical context and explains why it was thought important and worthwhile .
22 Rural society was characterized by the overwhelming predominance of family farms which neither relied upon hired labour nor hired out their own labour .
23 The scapegoat and the remaining members of the group had no fixed seat and sat wherever they could .
24 Clara gave a little , silvery laugh and stretched out her hand again until it was about an inch from the old lady 's permanent wave .
25 Perhaps if I just start with that simple question and see how it develops .
26 I mean , for instance , in my dreams er cars have taken on a very distinct personal symbolism that has really nothing to do with what you might think , because of personal experiences of mine , and I now know that whenever I dream about cars it always always has this but that 's because of something that happened to me and because of my personal erm kind of experiences , so cars have become a dream symbol .
27 She walked past him into the tiny hallway and picked up her bags , noticing with relief that he was n't around when she fled up the narrow wooden stairs to one of the three bedrooms , the one furthest away from his .
28 Then , slowly , she reached for her brush from the dresser , and began to slide it through the unruly tangle of her hair , taming the fly-away curls until they settled into a softly gleaming curtain that fell over her shoulders .
29 This is a subject to which I shall return , but for the moment I prefer to confine myself to the typical picture and to show where my own circumstances coincided with it or diverged from it .
30 Meanwhile , she dabbed her handkerchief at her eye , ate a soft-centred peppermint and wondered where her son had gone .
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