Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [pron] was the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Thing made the little electronic noise which was the machine 's equivalent of a nome clearing his throat .
2 Recently a French girl who was the victim of a ( thankfully rare ) brutal attack on the Guernsey cliffs was transported to intensive care facilities in this way .
3 Napoleon III was an innovator , not merely a man of his time but frequently one who was ahead of it , and so he was determined that his Court would deliberately eschew the rigid exclusivity which was the hallmark of the traditional European court structure .
4 To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what was the number and size of community care grants in Newcastle upon Tyne in the six months April to October 1991 .
5 The old gentleman who was the owner of the shop encouraged me and helped me along into the business .
6 Let me tell the right hon. Gentleman what was the test for our new health service reforms set by his hon. Friend the Member for Livingston ( Mr. Cook ) .
7 It 's the old woman who was the nurse for his mother .
8 ‘ The old woman who was the nurse died with only me in the room , ’ said Mrs Bumble .
9 I arranged initially to meet the doctors and once again found myself confronting ‘ the dreaded Grabham ’ , as Barbara Castle described Anthony ( now Sir Anthony ) Grabham , the distinguished surgeon who was the backbone of the doctors ' resistance and the most recalcitrant in reaching any compromise of his firm belief that the state had no concern in directing their destiny .
10 Quite apart from his business acumen ( by the end of his commercial life he was the head of the largest clothing manufacturers — which his father had acquired earlier , originally named Freedmans — in the British dominions , as well as chairman or president of the most important trade bodies related to that industry ) he held very senior positions in such organisations as the Baron de Hirsch Institute , the Montreal Reform Club , the Montefiore Club , the Montreal Insurance Co , the Jewish Public Library , the Hebrew Educational Institute , the Canadian Jewish Committee for the Relief of War Sufferers in Europe , the Executive of the Canadian Jewish Congress , the Canadian Colonisation Committee , the Zion Athletic Club , the Zionist Organisation of Canada , and many , many more .
11 So if y there would be the cognitive demon which was the letter A and what would happen is , it would start looking at the features that were coming into the system and it would say , are they the ones associated with A ?
12 Religious nonconformity remained strong in these areas and combined with the anti-landlord , anti-aristocratic feeling which was the basis of historic liberalism .
13 Pay was better than that for the average working man , more substantial than the ten-bob dole which was the experience of many of their compatriots .
14 One was painted in crimson lake which was the livery between 1900-1923 .
15 His enormous hands dwarfed the elegant menu which he was studying in apparent disbelief , and Peter Yeo noticed again , as Barton without rising extended one massive paw , that though the fingers were an ordinary length it was the width of the palms that made the hands so large .
16 He was supported by Martin Smyth , a Presbyterian minister who was the leader of the Belfast Orangemen and about to become Grand Master of the Order , and Billy Hull , the founder of the large Loyalist Association of Workers .
17 In particular , since in several cases it seems to involve a conflict of time reference , we must note that what is involved is not the same as a superficially rather similar phenomenon which was the subject of a useful discussion by Bach ( 1968 ) — all the more so because some of his examples are ambiguous and could also be covered by this case .
18 On the conscious level it was the Other , the alien , the male world of work , in which they had no place .
19 Of course , psychiatric diagnosis is not an error free process , and it is possible that in a proportion of the cases where there was diagnostic disagreement it was the research assessment that was in error ; it should be noted that in some cases the research psychiatrists could not agree among themselves on the diagnosis .
20 so that we made that little place what was the bathroom into a little cookery place , I put , we put the cooker in there , then we had our bath , had our bath put upstairs you see
21 there was a large room which was the Control Room and er in there they had erm four , three or four erm telephones which were manned constantly for twenty four hours
22 Even in the East End of London , a Jewish area which was the stronghold of British fascism , support was limited .
23 Yes , I can now reveal that in a previous life I was the iceberg that sunk the Titanic .
24 In the non-European world it was the requirement to provide separate facilities for a complex hierarchy of class and race which made many railway stations larger affairs than they need otherwise have been .
25 It was struck not at the weak man who suffered it but at the strong God who was the man 's master .
26 He knew he would be able to work with her the way he like to , not a barnstorming nonstop battle which was the way he had to work with Gesner , but an exciting exploration of just what new heights could be achieved .
27 This was a case of Gentlemen versus Players in the golden age when such distinctions still applied and when it was obvious to anyone with an eighth of an intelligence that no paid journeyman could ever begin to compare with the rapier-like ‘ amateurs ’ who flitted with effortless superiority , solving one crime after another with a brilliant insouciance which was the dismay of the criminal fraternity , the envy of the constabulary , and a source of immense satisfaction to most of the upper middle class , especially those with an aptitude for the Times crossword .
28 He saw Ras Tafari — later Haile Selassie - return from a great battle which was the beginning of a long road to Emperorship .
29 Andrew Hall , the head gardener , was supervising the planting of hundreds of flowering tropical shrubs , and a skilled island craftsman was painstakingly carving intricate flowers onto the coral-stone fountain which was the garden 's focal point .
30 Yet they fought on , trying to defend the long line which was the border of their dominion in northern France , much as their predecessors had done in Aquitaine in the 1370s .
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