Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [pron] have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Of course she could n't leave Henrietta alone in the house , the tall building she had bought with great-aunt Dorothy 's money .
2 Instead , the main task here is to understand the systems of stable inequality which have existed in different types of society .
3 Now at first people thought that was because of the gulf crisis an and the downturn in traffic , but actually it 's the economic recession which has cut off demand er and which is lasting much longer than people expected .
4 This government have to be made to realize what a cruel blow it has struck on the very weakest sections of the community , the unemployed and the five and half million pensioners living in poverty .
5 It turned out that her son was a great friend of the paraquat-wielding monk I had seen at the monastery farm near Roscrea .
6 This was in recognition both of the 40th anniversary of his debut with the company and of the strenuous part he has played in bringing to fruition this ambitious project .
7 She was also prone to frequent and severe migraine headaches , and she had a wheezy chest which had led to her first asthma attack which worried her greatly .
8 ‘ Perhaps not , ’ Travis agreed , then said how he 'd dearly love to ring Rosemary at her parents ' home , but that he knew for sure that he could definitely give up even the frail hope he had left of sharing his life with Rosemary if he did that .
9 He had a lantern lit by the time she had dressed , wrapping herself last of all in the big , hooded cloak she had brought for Birsay .
10 A political storm which had developed in September around the proposed sale of 35 small islands in the Bay of Argolis and the Saronic Gulf abated after a government official , Byron Polydoras , on Oct. 14 assured journalists that the proposals had been that " certain rocky islets " should be leased — not sold — " on a long-term basis for tourist development " .
11 It 's only bloody luxury I 've got in life , smoking .
12 But she could n't just desert them , either ; for several members of the cast this play of Josh Thayer 's was the first decent break they 'd had , and she knew from dressing-room conversations just how much personal and emotional investment they 'd made in its success .
13 Our eternal future we 've committed to him .
14 There may be a booklet on the subject , a special expert in the technical department who has sat on the relevant government fact-finding commission or a market research survey giving the latest market trends , any of which would help the journalists far more than the standard handouts .
15 That had been an awful tea they 'd had at five o'clock ; two slices of bread and fat , a slab of hard cake and a bowl of milk ; then nothing else , only a drink of water , if they wanted one , before they came to bed , and it only half-past seven .
16 Politicians did not relish a repeat performance of the humiliating defeat they had suffered over the suspension and repeal of the acts .
17 Finally , my renewed thanks to you all for the generous support you have given to your parishes and the diocese as a whole .
18 Then the old porter I 'd seen on my first visit shambled across the hallway , teapot with no lid in one hand and a bottle of milk in the other .
19 He was an old leftist who had fought in Spain in the International Brigade .
20 Yes that brown crayon you 've got in your hand 'll do .
21 One may argue that by moving the magnetic field nothing has changed at the position of the wire .
22 She was only wearing a threadbare old cloak she had seized from the hallway as she came out , but she was quite warm after the exercise and she did n't want to go in , alone , back to the remnants of her mother 's angry despair .
23 There were bitter memories of broken love for Alan , a good-looking Londoner I had fallen for while I was still at Madame Sheba 's .
24 At last we reached a clearing and the desolate building we had glimpsed from the shore .
25 Today my black-gloved fist grasps the most interesting stick it has held to date .
26 ‘ Several times more than once , ’ the Doctor said , the tone of his voice reflecting the numerous occasions on which Bernice had dragged him into the flea-pit cinema she 'd found in the TARDIS and insisted that he pay attention to the noir motifs and the semiotics of Double Indemnity .
27 The marked language of the Miller 's Tale , swyve and pisse , is found again in the Reeve 's Tale ; fartynge is not named as such in the Reeve 's Tale , but is included with a circumlocution that uses a marked term we have seen in the Shipman 's Tale : The miller 's boast : is no doubt intended to be simply proverbial , but has a richly ironic meaning in light of the " beard " that Absolon finds upon obtaining his kiss from Alison ( 3730 – 43 ) .
28 Now , in the awful clear light which had broken upon her , they appeared as possibilities among others , and not necessarily the most interesting .
29 We had embarked two such affairs in the last year ; the most memorable being an English lawyer who had arrived with his French mistress , but only after telling his wife that he was attending a legal conference in Brussels and , to preserve the lie , he had been forced to hide every inch of his pallid skin in case a sun-tan betrayed him .
30 Karelius crawled from beneath the wooden bivouac he had occupied during the night .
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