Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [pron] [vb past] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Although the March general election failed to produce an outright winner , it ended the political chaos which had been associated with the final months of Blaize 's administration .
2 The celebrity was a monosyllabic professional footballer who had been transferred from a Scottish club to a fashionable one in London .
3 The case which comes closest to accepting the principle as a rule of law enforceable by journalists is R v Felixstowe Justices ex parte Leigh : David Leigh , an experienced reporter on " The Observer " was writing an article about a controversial case which had been heard in Felixstowe Magistrates Court .
4 Well , I have practised yoga for many years , but then I met a Jesuit priest who had been sent to the Far East by the Catholic Church to experience the Buddhist way and see how it might relate to Catholic worship .
5 The decision concluded a debate within the party and more generally on the country 's political future which had been launched by President Joao Bernardo Vieira in May 1990 [ see p. 37802 ] in response to demands for change .
6 Only when Zimbabwean Peter Ndlovu , Coventry 's exciting striker who had been kept out by their recent resurgence in form , came on as substitute after the break was there occasional menace .
7 Again , as I recorded in a fieldnote , this assistant chief exhibited aspects of what I could only then describe as ‘ institutional paranoia ’ , when he went on to deride an unnamed social scientist who had been allowed research facilities inside a police force ( unspecified ) .
8 Jackie was asked if she would take a Thoroughbred mare who had been abandoned in a field and give her a home as a brood mare — but part of the deal was that she also took the pony who had been left with her .
9 Meredith lunged out in a desperate attempt to save their contents only to find her feet slipping on the melted snow which had been walked in from outside .
10 With two daughters of her own , Greta expanded her family by taking in the son of a German socialist who had been sent to a concentration camp , and a Viennese boy who adopted her name by deed poll .
11 On May 26 , 1989 , the Belau and US governments signed a series of subsidiary agreements in Guam on additional economic and social aid as an incentive for the population of Belau to ratify the compact of free association which had been negotiated in 1982 .
12 Grujović , an Austrian Serb , had been professor of law at Kharkov , and had acted as secretary to the Serbian delegation which had been sent to St Petersburg to enlist the support of the Russians .
13 A year passed before I was able to witness this second part of the mayor-making , so it was a different mayor I saw being installed .
14 An old car which had been driven across in front of the shooting targets was ideal , so we attached fifteen kilos of the explosive to it in different places , fixed up the detonators , trailed fuse wire back several yards and clipped on the incendiary devices which would activate the firing process .
15 She was a quietly-spoken old lady who had been retired for seven years .
16 There followed a frantic exchange of telegrams between Rangoon and Whitehall in which the Governor offered various solutions to the prevailing deadlock , finally coming up with the unexpected suggestion that a new coalition ministry was possible with Paw Tun , the last premier of Burma before the invasion ; U Saw , his predecessor as premier , an unscrupulous schemer who had been interned for dealing with the Japanese ; and Aung San , previously portrayed by Dorman-Smith as a murderer and an enemy .
17 One of the most controversial areas of GLC activity ( and this was picked up by the Tories in a party political broadcast as early as 1984 ) , was the Gay Teenage Group which had been set up by gay young men in 1976 .
18 Other community teams dealt with all their reviews in one regular weekly meeting which had been set up to meet the requirements of the care programme approach , evidence that this is having a considerable impact on the organization of services in the places where it has been implemented .
19 The fifty nine year old singer who 'd been dogged by ill health died at his home in Arbroath on Monday .
20 The orange light resolved itself into four roadwork lanterns — and then he saw the cordon and roadblock with its black-and-white wooden pole which had been set up ahead , blocking off the entrance road which led up to the office-block frontage and car park .
21 Exhausted by their exertions , the pace of their battle slowed , and both became aware of the burning sexual need which had been ignited inside them .
22 Olechowski needed the support of the IMF if he were to renegotiate the terms of Poland 's US$1,600 million three-year extended facility which had been approved in April 1991 [ see p. 38162 ] but suspended in October after the previous government failed to meet IMF performance criteria on the budget deficit and expansion of domestic credit .
23 In it , Ptolemy summarized much of the scientific knowledge which had been amassed over the previous centuries .
24 He dressed carefully in the brown suit he had been married in and he bought the ticket with quiet authority .
25 By contrast , those who were involved in the new machinery of public credit which had been set up as a result of the financial revolution were doing remarkably well , through their investments in institutions such as the Bank of England and the New East India Company , and from the interest they received on loans to the government .
26 Alexei , Jotan , Jehana and Arkhina were among those of the nobility who had elected to eschew the fervour of the crowd , and watched from a wooden platform which had been constructed across the entry to a side street .
27 Annie McCafferty was a very reliable person who had been recommended to Carrie by the local midwife .
28 By careful arrangement he had been lured away while preparations were made .
29 Our final text elaborates this to ‘ the nauseating smell of fresh paint which had been mixed with rancid oil ’ .
30 For a German observer who had been interned in Britain 1914-18 , ‘ the great secret of masculine psychology is that all men of all ages act and behave like schoolboys as soon as their individualities are merged in a crowd . ’
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