Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [pron] [vb past] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is the strange storm I warned you of
2 He walked back by a different route which took him along the waterfront .
3 I thought he had seen the enemy aircraft and , as he winged over into a steep dive I followed him without question .
4 Ports skipper Brian Strain made a fine run into enemy territory before squaring the ball to the Scottish striker who buried it past John Grace from 16 yards .
5 Not that syrupy old Whatsisname you told me about at the beginning …
6 MY gratitude goes to a mini-cab driver who took me to an animal hospital with my sick budgerigar and then would n't accept any fare .
7 Police have praised the bravery of a teenage soldier who dragged himself from the wreckage of his car after being speared with a wooden stake .
8 As he walked down the stairs it was the old lady who met him in the hall .
9 Uncle sent me to St Bartholomew 's and Agrippa brought an old lady who fed me on a concoction of crushed moss mixed with the leavings of sour milk .
10 One was strange , because it was about an old lady who meant nothing to me at all ; I hardly knew her and only saw her on the rare occasions when I went into her family shop two or three hundred yards from us .
11 At a particularly exciting point I dropped it between the seats in front , and insisted that my parents ask the people to look for it .
12 It is basically a twelfth-century building , though sadly damaged later on by the iconoclastic Protestants of Jeanne d'Albret in the sixteenth century , and by the fanatical rationalists of the French Revolution who converted it into one of their Temples of Reason .
13 An English scholar who visited it in 1887 – 88 found that the atmosphere was mediaeval ; politics and progress were scarcely mentioned , and the talk turned mostly on mysticism , metaphysics and religion ; the most burning political questions were those connected with the successors of the Prophet Mohammed in the seventh century of our era ; only the most languid interest in external affairs was aroused by the occasional appearance of the official journals .
14 On the Scottish cruise I distinguished myself by bending our port propeller on a rock in the Caledonian Canal whilst negotiating a shallow bend , and although we could still use the bent prop I was very conscious of the faux pas with our Chairman on board .
15 Repealers were at pains to stress the immense cultural distance which separated them from their opponents ; they positioned themselves as wholly outside the political and military elite which upheld the acts .
16 ‘ Those books belong to the kind old gentleman who took me into his home .
17 We walked the long , covered-in wooden bridge which led us over the Hundred Foot River to the members ' observatory .
18 If Marcos was cynical , he was no more so than the American foreign policy which kept him in power and in clover for 20 years .
19 The social engineering which placed them in positions of powerlessness ensured that the only female voice readily heard was that of the shrill tones of the satirised scold — a literary stereotype .
20 " My life was formed only by means of the public library which provided me with my only uncensored access to books .
21 It was strange that a sexual union which left nothing to be desired should so clarify the state of her mind .
22 On one occasion , Orton told about an old man who took him into a cave in Tunisia and asked him to feel his posterior .
23 He blamed his mother , an alcoholic beauty who drank herself to death in 1964 , and who , he said , raised her sons with such coldness that Seth 's brother leaped to his death off the Oakland Bay Bridge .
24 ‘ She was one of the nicest people I ever met , ’ said a theatrical acquaintance who knew nothing of her terrorist background .
25 The official imposition of conventional social forms and norms was achieved largely through the education and legal systems , but its strength lay in its manipulation of existing social values and a long-standing social system which enabled it to be internalized by the average Japanese .
26 Standing on top of the wooden staircase she hurled herself to the ground , landing in a heap at the bottom .
27 The whole thing got out of hand , partly because of the ill chance that no fewer than three people who knew the real Louise Müller converged upon Vienna at the same time : her sister , myself , and the young French officer who replaced me in her affections . ’
28 With painful slowness it carried him to the station a few miles from his home .
29 The 1000 or so members of the meek class who presented themselves at the conference , were , suitably enough , unruffled by having been shunted from the Sorbonne to the techno-chic sidings at Porte de la Villette .
30 In 1925 the Reid brothers , William 's sons , sold the hotel to a British company , and in 1937 it was sold to the Blandy family who closed it during the Second World War and then modernized it before it re-Opened .
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