Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This course is designed to provide a broad base for students who intend to seek employment in a commercial information processing environment .
2 Children can choose from a rich variety of titles which include animal stories , adventure stories , science fiction , and more factual topics .
3 Yet this restatement of his views won him political support from Liberals who looked askance at this quasi-nationalization programme .
4 In S5 and S6 there is ample opportunity for pupils who did not choose a technical subject in S3 to return to one and many senior pupils opt to do this .
5 But if the objective of the advertising for such a brand is , in fact , to talk to newcomers to the market ( and there are always newcomers to any market ) , or to the unconverted , or to disloyal users of other brands , there is , obviously , a very clear , specific case for ads which carry quite a lot of information , presented in a suitably attractive way .
6 There is also immediate oral practice for students which helps them to correct errors on the spot .
7 But as a literal succession of images they come closer to the disconnected temporality of the succession of perceptual memories in the unconscious .
8 You know they must be you know and a certain amount of guilt maybe that they that they did n't support the miners or you know it was something that was happening far away and maybe y like I said you gave the odd tin of beans you know but er
9 That still leaves it with the human problem of what to do about its many customers , the sizeable backlog of orders they have created and the delays they face .
10 One these are your old chest of drawers you see , if you go round the back .
11 This change can clearly be related to the country 's net increase of average real income and the emergence of a clear majority of households which owned a car and owned their house ( Table 3.4 ) .
12 These three modules provide residential experience for students whose needs will vary greatly .
13 Unlike Britain , Japan has full employment and a high level of savings which facilitates investment and helps to keep down interest rates and inflation .
14 Employers constantly gnawed at the high level of wages which had been built up during the First World War .
15 One constant factor , unaffected by change of government , but never far below the surface , was an extreme sensitivity about the degree of public support for policies which tended to be perceived ( however misguidedly ) as ‘ soft ’ on crime .
16 A tiny minority of landowners lived in enormous wealth and comfort , exacting feudal dues and enforced labour from farmers who had in effect become their tied peasants : these landowners still engaged in the grain trade as their families had done for generations , and as if they could think of nothing else to do .
17 Wright , Swinfen Eady J held that directors owed their fiduciary duties to the company and not to the company 's shareholders and thereby denied shareholders recourse to a direct action against directors who had used inside information at their ( the shareholders ' ) expense .
18 He hoped this strategy would attract foreign investment by multinationals which believed that the more literate people there were , the bigger the market for consumer durables would become .
19 Mr Freeman was invited to the town by an all-party delegation of councillors who visited him in London in December .
20 The Department of Health hypertension care computing project is a longitudinal study of patients who attended one of five hospital hypertension clinics ( 95% ) or four general practices ( 5% ) in the United Kingdom during 1971–86 , with continuing mortality follow up .
21 Consistently voted HCI 's Top Club by guests who return here year after year .
22 Each time the mother tried to contact the girl 's father by phone she got some evasive reply from premises she thought he might have reached — either he had left the day before , or was busy with the accountant , so the poor woman set off herself to track him down .
23 Mr Kinnock said : ‘ The battle is not yet over , the battle for the survival of the National Health Service , for proper investment in children who go to local maintained schools , to protect learning and independence in the universities and broadcasting , to secure freedom of information and reform of our democracy , and ensure we shall never again get a government that will use unemployment and recession as its main economic weapon . ’
24 And Secretary of State Peter Lilley should also demand that the brewers pay adequate compensation to tenants who refuse to take leases .
25 A high proportion of trials which begin will end in settlement rather than judgment .
26 This large and increasing number of old , and very old , people will contain a high proportion of individuals who have either no family setting and connections , or at any rate none that is of practical relevance to their way of life .
27 A high proportion of patients who develop Reiter 's disease can be shown to have HLA B27 tissue antigen which is also found in people who develop arthritis associated with the skin disease psoriasis and those with ankylosing spondylitis .
28 Level II recognises competence in a more demanding range of activities which require a degree of individual responsibility .
29 In desperation , the previous week , he had ordered the children to select a favourite passage from books he had been reading with them , write it out in their best handwriting and then add some comments on what they enjoyed about the piece and about the book in general .
30 considered " structuralist " as well as " functionalist " , it is because I feel that the structuralism of Levi-Strauss , which pays close attention to the semantic patterning of concepts which operate as normative ideas , has given us new insights into this traditional problem .
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