Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A narrow stairway led up to the third floor where an unmarked door opened onto a plush modern office reception area with a deep-pile fawn carpet dotted with pot plants .
2 This is entirely due to excessive muscular tension building up over the years and pulling the bones of the spine closer together , by as much as two or even three inches .
3 The plates are not permanent : they are constantly being replenished by liquid rock gushing up from the Earth 's mantle ( the subsurface layer ) at the long submarine mountain ranges known as the mid-ocean ridges .
4 Before her conversion , she would doubtless have insisted on waiting for the results of a number of studies being conducted by an international panel on climatic change set up by the World Meteorological Organisation and the United Nations Environmental Programme .
5 To the layman they all look pretty similar : crisp emerald weed buoyed up in the stream and then , in July , a snow in summer of glistening white flowers , which spill over the water in a way that seems to spell out the brief abundance of midsummer .
6 A second attempt by Admiral Rodney to attack the transports at Le Havre had found the defences there too strong for his bomb-vessels to get within range , while a storm off Dunkirk had enabled a French squadron shut up in the port to make its escape .
7 Blood-sugar level goes up on the digestion of food .
8 Central government had encouraged new towns with light industry to spring up in the valleys but the impact of these industries as an employer of part-time farmers had been very low .
9 A high concentration builds up in the fish which are a staple part of the Cree and Inuit 's diet .
10 I sat at the kitchen table , staring at the blind white blankness in front of me , and slowly , like a clear spring welling up from the common earth , the poem rose and spread and filled me , unstoppable as flood water , technique unknotting even as it ran , like snags rolled away on the flood .
11 Saddam , a polished television performer , made considerable use of the medium for propaganda purposes , as when he conducted a conversation on camera with a British child caught up in the war who now found himself a ‘ guest ’ of the Iraqi regime .
12 On such a night as this , he told himself , one could believe in ghosts and phantoms , and yet this small , fragile old lady climbs up into the whistling darkness unafraid .
13 Twelve kilometres to the north-east of it is somewhere better : Sauveterre-de-Béarn , an interesting old place sat up above the Gave d'Oloron .
14 Biggleswade saw the British heroine climb up onto the Argie tank , and cheered .
15 Wet post cut up for the cook and it 's an anagram of wet post ?
16 Added to complaints by women 's organisations about the screen 's increasing sexuality ( for that era ) , the Arbuckle scandal helped to bring about censorship by the Hays Office , a self-regulating body set up by the big studios in 1922 , under lawyer Will H. Hays .
17 On the other side of Pottery Bridge , carrying the A639 , a sizable marine vessel sits up on the right bank .
18 Old Red looked up from the floor , and glanced at me before answering .
19 AN old friend came up in the street yesterday and said : ‘ My , you look well , have you been on holiday , you 've got a tan . ’
20 The quarrel spread to Seville and Cadiz , where the friends of Romana and Palafox were the bitterest opponents of the Central Junta 's claims and were intriguing for an amenable Regency or a military government based on popular feeling whipped up against the Junta .
21 It happened that the dog was silenced just as her last remark emerged , and over his body , flattened now to the sheet where he lay panting , the old woman sitting up in the bed flashed her a look .
22 On the pasture near-by Hazel could see scattered , russet-and-orange-coloured fragments , some with feathery , light-green foliage showing up against the darker grass .
23 A fast marching road led from Bainbridge to Cam High Road to meet up with the Roman road running from Chester to Carlisle .
24 A steep tunnel led up into the air .
25 The weatherbeaten old man squinted up at the handsome young giant who stood grinning down at him .
26 For one night at least , one member of the quartet who hijacked the course of popular music lived up to the hopes of those who had waited 23 years for the moment .
27 Financed by an interim multilateral fund set up by the Montreal Protocol on the Protection of the Ozone Layer [ see ED 59/60 ; 35/36 ] , the work aims to help compensate developing countries for the technical and financial costs of switching to substitute chemicals or processes .
28 This is taking the form of a structured public consultation leading up to the publication of a new strategy in September 1992 .
29 Opponents of sales see them as reducing a vital social resource built up at the ratepayers ' expense , while proponents see sales to long-standing tenants as almost a recourse to ‘ natural justice ’ , although there are also the political overtones of the desire of Conservative politicians to build up a property-owning base to their vote .
30 A social fund set up by the government with the World Bank would provide US$400 million for sectors of the population most vulnerable to the effects of economic reform and would help create employment for workers displaced by the Gulf War .
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