Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] of the " in BNC.

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1 I was lying in the middle of a green lane clutching a bunch of dandelions , my fingers gummy with the pungent milk oozing out of the squashed stems .
2 The North Korean delegation walked out of the eighth round of normalization talks with Japan , held on Nov. 5 in the Chinese capital Beijing .
3 By a writ issued on 15 November 1988 and a statement of claim dated 16 February 1990 , the plaintiff , Christopher de Martell , claimed damages from the defendants , the Merton and Sutton Health Authority , for personal injuries and consequential loss arising out of the alleged negligent treatment afforded to him at St. Helier Hospital , Carshalton , on or about 5 February 1967 when his mother , who was pregnant with the plaintiff , underwent an attempted forceps delivery and a caesarean section .
4 An ill-defined report of a possible murder comes out of the small racing town of Lambourn .
5 There is a bench-lined sanctuary opening out of the west side of the Central Court , but without a throne and without an antechamber or en suite lustral basin .
6 Like the malarial swamps out of which the Most Serene Republic rose , we have seen that human altruism , communal feeling and social responsibility arose out of the egoistic , sadistic and erotic drives with which nature had endowed man .
7 US design was offering the evergreen Chevrolet Corvette but the most interesting car coming out of the US — via Britain — was the Ford GT40 , originally a Lola design .
8 Despite being in the centre of the notorious inner-city area of Manchester ( Hulme — an architectural tragedy born out of the fevered brain of a drawing board moron and giving ( high ) rise to a staggering suicide rate .
9 A SERBIAN warlord stormed out of the London peace conference on Yugoslavia yesterday — claiming he could wreck the vital talks .
10 We were making our way up a trackway towards the main gate of the manor when suddenly an old hag slipped out of the trees on one side of the path and stood squarely in front of Mandeville .
11 Sharpe spurred towards the nearest Belgians , but before he could even get close to the battalion a French column burst out of the rye and the Belgians , without even firing a volley , turned and ran .
12 What was it about him , that he only had to be near for her natural calm professionalism to fly out of the window ?
13 Using public transport seemed out of the question and renting a car was expensive , so we decided to sink some of our capital , buy a car , and sell it again before leaving .
14 Eventually Jim 's old caddie came out of the woodwork again and I carried on for one or two other pros .
15 Endill ran to the door expecting to see him crashing into the sea but when he looked down , saw him clinging to a wooden beam sticking out of the rock .
16 A final interesting point to come out of the survey was that considering the importance the Japanese place on the quality and design of products , only 6% of respondents considered these to be a barrier to their performance .
17 Curly Top dived out of the way , grabbing for his revolver as Adam drove past .
18 Warm wet plastic came out of the end of the pipe .
19 Founder Henry Stewart had produced costings for a daily paper financed out of the profits of News on Sunday , which would be protected by a similar fiendish arrangement .
20 A small brown dog scurried out of the undergrowth , pulled up at the sight of another human , then rushed towards her .
21 He says he once found some old ammunition sticking out of the ground .
22 When social debate moves out of the classroom and on to the street , teachers can find themselves targeted .
23 The old nun gets out of the bath , leaving a trail of water on the floor as she unlocks the door .
24 The French franc falls out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism .
25 An old man came out of the baker 's and his young dog greeted him .
26 Just off the Kurfurstendam , it is the first British project to come out of the ground in the city .
27 And er I remember going to the doctor 's with me Mother and where as we sat in the surgery which was packed , eventually the old doctor come out of the door old .
28 The plaintiff 's friend then poured out the rest of the contents and a decomposed snail flowed out of the bottle .
29 We paid £16 return per adult ( half-price for children ten and under ) for the three-hour ride and were greeted by the Foreign Legion parachuting out of the sky as we approached their home base of Calvi .
30 ( Marr was sporting a huge rockabilly quiff which looked like a French loaf sticking out of the top of his head . )
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