Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The third moment of situational change begins sometime after the Second World War — most strikingly with the advent of rock 'n' roll — and can be termed the moment of ‘ pop culture ’ .
2 Early government line , from Michael Portillo , the Treasury chief secretary , to Widdecombe , was that there was categorically no special help and that price rises would ‘ by the normal route feed through into the retail price index ’ .
3 Pulling over to the right lane to turn right down the Royston Bypass
4 When war broke out in 1914 , Harrison was sent to France to join the British Expeditionary Force and regarded this as a heaven-sent opportunity to move away from the subject of the venereal diseases .
5 Professor John Ashworth , vice-chairman of the committee of vice-chancellors and principals ( CVCP ) , also urged Mr MacGregor to use ‘ a heaven-sent opportunity to go back to the drawing board and look at the entire issue of how students are supported — grants , loans and fees . ’
6 Following the conclusion of the Heads of Agreement , we will be available to assist should any issues arise during the due diligence carried out by the acquiror 's accountants .
7 Allegations of an anti-Sindhi crusade intensified further following the replacement on June 14 of three senior army commanders , and the unconfirmed arrest of one other , for their part in the reported massacre on June 5 of nine Sindhi villagers .
8 In public perceptions the gap between Conservative unity and Labour unity narrowed sharply in the first few days of the campaign and again at the end , but actually increased very slightly in the third week .
9 Some of those arguing for mixed-ability teaching did so on the narrowest professional grounds that it would improve teaching and learning , obliging teachers to treat pupils as individuals each proceeding at a different pace and in a different manner .
10 He stood straighter in the water , his broad chest glistening wetly in the multicoloured light .
11 So my visits to the Ainsworth home were frequent but undemanding , and I had ample opportunity to look out for the little cat which had intrigued me .
12 Progressive assessment relates directly to the principle of credit accumulation in that passes in individual modules are built up progressively towards a final award .
13 A narrow stairway led up to the third floor where an unmarked door opened onto a plush modern office reception area with a deep-pile fawn carpet dotted with pot plants .
14 In Conspiration Nizan ironically refers to school life as a barrack-room existence cut off from the reality of the outside world .
15 The ace cyclist went along to the Glover 's Lane Surgery in Netherton to start a week of Health Promotion events .
16 I was lying in the middle of a green lane clutching a bunch of dandelions , my fingers gummy with the pungent milk oozing out of the squashed stems .
17 The narrow lane ended abruptly in the yard of the ‘ Windy Ridge ’ public house .
18 In June there were a number of developments in Soviet-United States relations designed to repair the political damage caused earlier in the year by differences over the Gulf war , the Soviet crackdown in the Baltic republics , and difficulties in arms control negotiations .
19 Moscow sets terms for unity debate Following are extracts from an address to members of the European Parliament given yesterday by the Soviet Foreign Minister , Mr Eduard Shevardnadze .
20 I think also that aspersions were cast , as asides , on the true soldierly qualities of Sgt York , and hence on all American soldiers , and a three-way fight broke out among the French-Canadian , American and British , to a background drone of German bombers wending their weary way to or from London , or circling in a desultory fashion prior to dumping their bombs with a dull thud on the surrounding countryside .
21 Shortly after this point the road becomes little more than a bridle path or cart track which , however , provides an intriguing pass-walk of about 4 hours duration over the Pragel Pass to Richisau 's alpine pasture leading down to the beautiful Klontal valley in the canton of Glarus .
22 Parental responsibility appears here in the form of a duty to ensure that the child is examined ; there is an offence on failing without reasonable cause to comply with requirements of a notice requiting the child to be examined at a stipulated place and time .
23 Away below , a tall figure moved slowly through the trees of the demesne .
24 And she marched out of the kitchen , her tall wig swaying slightly with the brisk jerky movement .
25 The functional association of two domains can then be interpreted through a hierarchical search extending down from the initial checking for the intersection of geometric domains , through an entity or edge condition check , into that for the relationships of the sub-surfaces contained within the spatial intersection .
26 He looked down into her eyes , a strange light burning deep in the blackness of his own .
27 So it became the first PGA Tour venue to lose a tournament because it does n't conform to the anti-discrimination rule laid down by the United States PGA .
28 The City expects the Chancellor to alter but not altogether abandon the rule , effectively reducing the amount of gilt-edged stock bought in by the Bank of England .
29 According to a report by the Senate committee on violence and pacification which was monitoring acts of political violence carried out by the Maoist Shining Path ( Sendero Luminoso ) , the Tupac Amarú Revolutionary Movement ( Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amarú — MRTA ) , right-wing death squads and other extremist groups and also , in 1989 , links between rebel groups and drug traffickers , it was estimated that a total of 3,198 people were killed as a result of such activity in the course of 1989 , compared with 1,986 in 1988 .
30 In the morning , I slept through the pigeons , but around 8.30 a loud banging started down in the nave like they might have been building a scaffold or something .
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