Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] [noun] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Members of the European Parliament receive warning of matters that are to be discussed by the Commission and by the various pillars and councils that have been established by the treaty .
2 Force 8 : Fresh Gale Breaks twigs of trees ; generally impedes progress
3 There were four builders in the survey whose access to cheaper materials and adequate equipment allowed provision of buildings at reasonable cost .
4 At one stage early on in the war , Tehran , amid the general abuse , urged the Iraqi population to withhold payment of taxes and electricity bills , and to rise up against the government .
5 Direct infection following ingestion of eggs or larvae in a paratenic host : 4-5 weeks Prenatal infection : 3 weeks .
6 In general terms , Bacon and Hobbes accept the Aristotelian idea that scientific understanding involves knowledge of causes .
7 The completed unit showing layout of components inside the case is shown below .
8 For example , the natural arrangement of the chemical elements in Mendeleyev 's periodic table has groups of traits reappearing cyclically .
9 Staying on at school beyond the school-leaving age involves loss of earnings or benefit , and the absence of grants to 16–18 year olds at school inevitably means that the lower socio-economic groups will be under-represented in this stage of education .
10 It is then left to the individual local authority to make the best use it can of the sum granted to it , under an overall obligation to maintain standards of services by comparison with those in other areas .
11 Plotted on double logarithmic graph paper this emerges as a straight line making forecasting of costs for projected future batches of the same product a simple exercise as long as conditions are not seriously altered .
12 Additional information includes tables of weights and measures and basic and commercial information on individual countries .
13 The accompanying suggestion that we send round an additional sheet giving dates of events , at least within the area , has been taken up .
14 The average fishkeeper has 150W of heaters , 14W of lighting and 12W of pumps which totals 176W , costing 1.14p per hour .
15 A cobalt marker was placed at theright anterior superior iliac crest to aid alignment of images .
16 The Bank of England 's quarterly bulletin says 5% of disclosures from financial institutions led to prosecutions .
17 The flaws in some of the ideas put forward by the Board have been cogently exposed , but it has shown a welcome willingness to take account of criticisms and alter its position accordingly .
18 Histological examination confirmed diagnosis of metastases from adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder .
19 There is a natural reluctance to make criminals of suppliers who have taken reasonable steps to ensure that their goods accord with modern standards .
20 CCA was in these figures for just three months and fine art contributed £849,000 of profits , up from £156,000 .
21 Abnormal morphological changes in the left hemisphere include absence of gyri , thickening of cortex , and marked signal abnormality in the remaining white matter .
22 2.50 : Try to find Head of Primary Department to confirm collection of parents for appointment at School at 4.15 .
23 Anaemia occurred frequently in this elderly group affecting 80% of men and 75% of women .
24 Like Whistler he was a constant irritant in the somewhat comatose English art world , painting hitherto forbidden subjects , using photographs instead of living models , manipulating sheets of newspapers covered with black paint to secure transfers of outlines on canvas , shunning good taste , extracting beauty from the squalid and emotion from the sordid .
25 ‘ Consumers ’ or ‘ users ’ have traditionally been regarded as having no realistic , lucid , practical views to offer , and many professionals feel that the very nature of mental illness precludes users of services from making a sensible contribution .
26 Dr Williams said doctors should be put under a legal obligation to approach relatives of patients who have died in intensive care units and would make suitable organ donors .
27 Local authorities have a legal duty to ensure safety of pupils on trips .
28 Leaf-bud cuttings : a good way to increase stocks of camellias
29 Until Bellgrove , where two people died in the 1989 tragedy , single-lead junctions had an enviable safety record , Robin Seymour , the then Chief Inspecting Officer of Railways , said .
30 The plant is due to close next month as one of the solvents used in the process there , carbon tetrachloride , is being phased out under an international agreement to limit use of chemicals which damage the ozone layer .
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