Example sentences of "[art] [adj -est] [noun sg] [prep] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The finest expression of himself lay in his love for language .
2 Exports to European Free Trade Association ( EFTA ) member countries amounted to 21 per cent of the total ( by far the largest portion of which represented trade with neighbouring Switzerland ) .
3 And yet the merest thought of her drove out all consideration of what he ought to do .
4 Her charms increased every day , not only in my eye but in the eyes of all who beheld her , for my mother took the greatest delight in her waiting maid .
5 But that would not explain why some of the sermons that have had the greatest impact on us have not necessarily been high on the performance scale .
6 Lucy had already decided that this would be the wisest course for her to take .
7 ‘ May I still have the interview with you which you promised ? ’ she asked straight out — and thought for a few seconds , as he looked sternly at her , that she had blown it , and that he had taken the strongest exception to her reminding him of his promise .
8 Whatever the qualities of an incoming Labour government there is not the teensy-weensiest chance of it raising the £30,000 ceiling on mortgage tax-relief , nor will it lower the rate of personal income tax .
9 Any one of them would shove an ice-pick in her back , sunny side up , if there was the slightest chance of her saying a word .
10 ‘ Do n't worry , Mr Vass , there 's not the slightest chance of my wishing to prolong the agony of our arrangement .
11 The hon. Gentleman is really behaving disgracefully — — when he accuses British Rail of negligence before an inquiry has even begun , and when he has not the slightest idea of what caused that accident .
12 But there 's not the slightest need for you to see me home . ’
13 I would be surprised if it was n't still possible to go through ten years of education with only the faintest idea of what has been happening in the world , even your own country .
14 Let us move away from the special case of solipsism and sensation terms , and consider a case which may seem simpler ( actually it is the hardest case in which to make the point plausible ) .
15 Okay which are the hardest letter for you to do ?
16 You 've got this superior idea that I 'm some sort of half-wit from the back of beyond who has n't the vaguest notion of what happens in the big , bad world .
17 At the time of writing I was too taken up with the present to make any but the vaguest connection with what had happened to me in the past .
18 That 'll be the worst thing for us to do .
19 Nostalgia , as recently deployed in the Prime Minister 's sepia invocation of the village bakery , is just about the worst instrument through which to view the future .
20 dad start for Bears Speedway Exeter Falcons 54 Middlesbrough Bears 36 BORO battled hard enough but this proved to be just about the worst venue on which to open their League programme .
21 It is a small but spread-out , almost incoherent town , the pleasantest part of which stands up above the river and has a row of modest hotels .
22 The simplest structure in which to store a lexicon would be an array .
23 Coal Measures ’ coals are the accepted gas source , the highest frequency of which occur in the Westphalian A and B sequences of the Lower and Middle Coal Measures .
24 Obviously he was then lucky that a lot of outstanding players began to come into the team at the same period , men like Richards , Greenidge , Roberts , Holding , Croft , Garner , and he had material of the highest class on which to work .
25 As though Bigwig 's angry impatience , Pipkin 's terror and the approaching dog were not enough to contend with , the cleverest rabbit among them had evidently gone out of his mind .
26 On April 7th 1855 , Charles Edward Prior MD , was elected by 29 votes to 12 on the second round of voting , and remained in post until June 1st 1900 ; he and his successor , Dr. Goldsmith , kept medical report books , the earliest survivor of which begins in February 1873 .
27 Her car had broken down , she had as good as lied to her parents , and had somehow managed to offend the man whom her sister would bend over backwards not to offend — and now she had just practically told Cara , when there was n't the remotest chance of it happening , that the damnable interview was in the bag .
28 But you may find that sometimes your doctor will explain that a prescription will not help to treat your illness and that the best way for you to get well is to rest , change your diet , drink plenty of fluids , stop smoking , cut down on alcohol or take more exercise .
29 But the best way for us to deal with it was as a family because it 's less frightening that way .
30 This approach argues that the best way in which to use syntactic knowledge is to formalise the grammar and encode it as a set of rules to which input must conform if it is to be considered acceptable .
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