Example sentences of "[art] [num ord] [noun sg] i [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 ‘ By the end of the last act I was swearing that this was the most marvellous Coriolanus in every conceivable way that I should ever hope to see , ’ wrote T. C. Worsley in the Financial Times .
32 The last passage I 'm going to have time to read comes in the erm speech of Adam erm , not actually speech , the inward soliloquy to Adam , the first thing that he says he says his case is not yet fallen when he sees Eve .
33 The last time I was called from here it was a false alarm . ’
34 Actually the last time I was stood up on a platform and did this was in front of erm a S G T congress in Dieppe and I tell you I had to do it in French , and it was much more difficult so I 'm hoping this one will go smoothly , but I , what I 'd really like to do is begin with is offer you erm delegates and platform both , a very very warm welcome from the trade union movement in Portsmouth .
35 The last time I was walking by Loughshannagh , our party of three followed the tracks of a fox , clearly left in the snow , around the southern base of Doan to the lovely Ben Crom river .
36 The last time I was offered them was at a Free Kirk soiree and I was careful to keep my fingers to myself until after the Grace .
37 The last time I was going out seriously was around the time of Shoom , which was very exciting .
38 You mentioned Christopher , what er the last time it 's , I 'm going back a little while , the last time I was talking with Janet he , she was a bit unhappy , I think he was in er a teaching practice at the time and she was wondering how he was going to go on .
39 to write to the Health and Safety Executive asking for a report on their findings of their investigation into the causes of the explosion , and erm after several letters , if you recall at the last meeting I was asked to write to MPs and so forth .
40 . We have actually erm got a number of leaflets and brochures on play equipment but erm as was mentioned at the last meeting I was going to get together with David and the clerk to discuss future plans for play equipment but we have n't actually had a meeting yet cos we 're still getting information from various reps and playground equipment companies and erm we 'll leave that item for now .
41 My o 's gon na be a snake and I go right down look at that that 's the last thing I 'm gon na have to be able to do .
42 ‘ My feeling was that if this was the last thing I was going to do , I wanted it to be of some value .
43 You say in your proof , paragraph forty three , this is really the last point I 'm going to deal with , that the amendment to the deposit copy erm ignores several of the policies in the Southern Ryedale Local Plan .
44 After my stay at Wuthering Heights , I thought I would never want to speak to any human being again , but by the end of the next day I was beginning to feel lonely .
45 The next day I was chatting to friends — Joy and Alan Byne .
46 The next day I was hanging out some washing and he walked past me .
47 The next day I was to take the train to Puno , yet another notorious journey .
48 The next day I was interrogated twice .
49 The next day I was walking to work and I 'd just got as far as the hospital .
50 The next day I was told to pack my stuff up because I was going on the other side [ to another wing ] .
51 another one he had during his work and he says straight away look I was put to work splitting wood , do you see that in the , paragraph on the right hand side , the next day I was told to report to the dairy barns to help milk cows , then he worked in the garden , he also took care of the bees , harvested honey for the family , then in nineteen fifty three I was transferred to the cheese making farm , now here 's a spiritual brother thinking he 's going into the battle to do all sorts of spiritual things , and yet these were his assignments , there 's a lesson here for you and I .
52 ‘ Meet the guys — and the next superstar I 'm grooming . ’
53 Every day I was sent a secret report by the Chief of Police , and the next afternoon I was playing cards with Fritz when Sapt brought it in .
54 Okay , well let's go on to the next topic I 'm proposing to cover and that 's communication in organisations .
55 In this and the next chapter I am going to tell two different stories .
56 The next time I 'm going to be in my office will be a week next Tuesday , as I , you know , I 'm due to arrive in on the twenty eighth .
57 The theory is that my reschedule marker would be on next Tuesday 's , not a week Tuesday 's , diary page , because that 's the next time I 'm going to be able to do anything in my office .
58 ‘ I 've only got to look twice at someone , ’ he said in desperation , ‘ and the next morning I 'm engaged to her . ’
59 The next morning I was sitting in the garden in the sun when suddenly I saw young Rupert of Hentzau on horse- back coming through the trees towards me .
60 By the next morning I was feeling sick with worry , and so we decided to drive to Scotland to collect Eva ourselves . ’
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