Example sentences of "[art] [num ord] [noun] that [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The second thing that struck her was on a different plane , but was another restriction .
2 The second point that worries me is also a minority concern .
3 The second theme that interests me is implicit in the opening paragraphs of the third of the published papers , ‘ Grounds of Validity of the Laws of Logic ’ .
4 Yes , and the second time that happened it swept across the standing walls there , and in the near end of the caldarium there was somebody standing by the wall .
5 Aunt Lilian and Aunt Kit walked into the nearest shop whenever their clothes became too shabby and bought the first thing that fitted them ; if they debated , it would only be about a garment 's staying power .
6 The first thing that strikes me is that my aunt — an almost complete stranger as far as I was concerned — should have been there at all , within the family circle where no friend or neighbour was allowed , and thus in a privileged position to make personal remarks of the type which would not have been tolerated from any other quarter .
7 The first thing that strikes you about Jonty Rhodes is his effervescence .
8 The first thing that strikes you about this program is Top Level 's evident desire to make it as friendly as possible .
9 The first thing that strikes you about Arabian Fight is the stunning graphics .
10 Probably the first thing that strikes you is the layout of the screen — there are dotted lines indicating the text 's margins , and as you type your purple prose , you notice that every space is marked by a little spot .
11 Perhaps the first thing that strikes us as we come to the Old Testament is the tremendous emphasis on the Spirit of God as a violent , invading force .
12 The first thing that struck her was the cold .
13 The first thing that struck me about Dana 's poems was his incredibly tiny script , an almost minuscule handwriting that was often difficult to decipher .
14 The first thing that struck me was that of about 100 different offerings at least half a dozen times I 'd been stopped in my tracks by absolutely classic flavours .
15 That was the first thing that struck me when I asked you to dance .
16 Cliff Bastin said of his celebrated partner : ‘ The first thing that struck me about Alex was his terrific self-confidence .
17 It was the furthest north I had ever travelled and the first thing that struck me was the strangeness of the dialect .
18 The first thing that struck me was the weight of everything .
19 The first thing that struck me on listening to the new debut album by Sam Brown was her voice ; no syrupy coyness here , just a warm direct immediacy which is absolutely winning .
20 Because the thing had changed so ma , so dramatically from when I was across there , that was the first thing that stopped me .
21 Colour is the first thing that hits you as you walk through the door .
22 That 's , my one , I do n't know how you 'd ever get over it , but that 's my one criticism of the thing is that sometimes when you walk in it 's the first thing that hits you and unless people are dancing it creates a cold atmosphere .
23 It was the third day that clinched it .
24 One of soccer 's great trouble-shooters clocked in at the Cadbury 's chocolate factory where Rovers train but the last thing that greeted him was the sweet smell of success .
25 And erm , the other aspect , the last aspect that gave us er anxiety was something I touched on this morning when I joined in at the end of the Selby discussion .
26 The next climb that attracted us was The Magic Line on El Gorro Frigio — a large dome higher up the massif .
27 The next point that upset him was that I said that unlike the American President , the Prime Minister was relieved of a great deal of official ceremonial by the Queen and Prince Philip .
28 Finally , it produces thousands of young , which transfer into the next fly that picks them up while feeding on the host .
29 Somehow , I 'm sure that wild animals have a sixth sense that tells them they 're safe , even in the presence of their arch-enemy , man .
30 We are not claiming either that He has somehow implanted in us a sixth sense that gives us certainty He exists whilst our other five senses provide no such assurance .
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