Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] 's [noun pl] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not usually a fan of active pickups , but I 'm rapidly succumbing to the Eggle 's charms in this department , too .
2 The extent of the trade far exceeds the US 's needs for either use .
3 There was hardly any educational element of the job , and most of the consultants interviewed admitted that they had not read the GMC 's recommendations on this .
4 In addition , Scottish Trade International will come into existence in December 1991 and this will bring together Scottish Office Industry Department staff involved in the delivery of the BOTB 's services with those of Scottish Enterprise .
5 The MCofS 's aims in this field are to provide facilities which cater fully for the climbing population 's needs in the greater conurbations .
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