Example sentences of "[art] [num] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Under the 1980 Constitution as amended in November 1987 the executive President , who holds office for a six-year term and is eligible for re-election , is both head of state and head of government .
2 He was also a member of the XL Club and played for the local Lloyds Bank XI .
3 The 1972 Act that legislated for England also accomplished the reorganisation of local government in Wales .
4 Yesterday Ian Walker , prosecuting , said Thompson had admitted making a threatening call to his ex-wife at Eppleby and misusing the 999 system when interviewed by police .
5 I hope to reflect this properly in the next-but-one report that goes to Ken .
6 Clauses 84 to 92 carry over and develop the arrangements for valuation set out in the 1991 Act and provide for changes to be made in lists to take account , for example , of new properties and appeals against taxation .
7 Alternatively double click anywhere on the desktop to evoke the TaskManager and select the 1-2-3 task and click on the terminate button .
8 Five more Brill 21E trucks were purchased immediately after the 1914/18 war and fitted to Nos. 36–40 in place of the Mountain & Gibson trucks which were disposed of .
9 Readers of this paper will need no reminding of the way in which the important recommendations of the Warnock committee were encapsulated in the 1981 Act but accompanied by a clear negative statement : ‘ There will be no additional funds ’ .
10 The final major institution was to be the Court of Justice , not to be confused with the European Court of Human Rights set up under the 1950 Convention and based in Strasbourg along with the Council of Europe .
11 It completed the 4-0 sweep and proved to be one of the key moments of the whole match .
12 In 1986 I too entered the tomb ; the anthropoid leaden shell was resealed after the 1703 examination and placed in a new rectangular elm shell sans fittings .
13 Perhaps it was because she was American , but all this supposition failed before the one fact that mattered to him : he had come to love her passionately , wanted to fulfil that love , and he did not know what to do about it !
14 It 's the one room that has in some way to accommodate the changing interests of all members of the family ; it 's also the room that is most on show , the room where your guests stay the longest .
15 Armstrong and McGee make a more explicit connection between the growth of agribusiness and commercial farming on the one hand and increase in agricultural imports on the other .
16 Staff need , however , to strike a delicate balance between giving optimistic support and encouragement on the one hand and accepting on the other that some individuals do not wish to , or can not , change as a result of disability and may need to be helped , therefore , to cope with permanent social impairments and distressing symptoms .
17 The one thing that remains within your control is to take your business elsewhere ; if the tills stop ringing in the shops responsible , maybe things will change …
18 The one thing that seems to be doing now is to string it out as long as possible .
19 The one thing that seems to be identified by members of the public er when they come here and address present erm petitions to us as they did this morning er they want in most parts , in Hertfordshire .
20 He said : ‘ Too few people realise that the independence of the judges is the one thing that stands between John Citizen and the abuse of power by governments of whatever colour .
21 They vary in standard enormously but the one thing that shines through them is the enthusiasm of people for their railways .
22 Defeated in the 1922 general election for Dáil Éireann , she secured a seat in Dublin in the 1923 election but abstained from taking her seat as a Sinn Fein republican .
23 The average trend for the second-highest maximum one-hour ozone concentration recorded at 400 sites shows that ozone levels increased by 2 per cent over the 1979–88 period but decreased by 14 per cent over the 1980–9 period ( figure 8.8 ) .
24 In the event , the 1559 parliament restored the Henrician anti-papal statutes and the 1552 Prayer Book-albeit modified in a number of important respects- and in 1563 convocation drew up thirty-nine articles of faith , based substantially on Cranmer 's Forty-Two Articles of 1553 .
25 Ossie O'Brien held the seat for Labour at the 1983 by-election but sat for only three months .
26 Because it transpired that Galileo had not mentioned the 1616 prohibition when applying for his license , Urban felt betrayed on several counts .
27 Nevertheless the manifesto was in respect of nationalisation little more than an elaboration of the party 's one-term programme as accepted at the 1937 conference , with the addition of iron and steel , which had been included as a concession to a radical resolution proposed by Ian Mikardo at the 1944 conference and carried against the advice of the platform .
28 The 1990 budget as passed by the Bundestag in December 1989 provided for a 3 per cent increase in expenditure and a federal budget deficit of DM26,900 million ( as compared with DM28,000 million as envisaged for the 1989 budget — see p. 36498 — and one of DM20,000 million actually achieved in 1989 ) .
29 there are or will be proceedings whose subject-matter is within the scope of the 1968 Convention as determined by Article 1 ( whether or not the Convention has effect in relation to the proceedings ) .
30 ‘ ( 1 ) The provisions set out in Schedule 4 ( which contains a modified version of Title II of the 1968 Convention ) shall have effect for determining , for each part of the United Kingdom , whether the courts of law of that part , or any particular court of law in that part , have or has jurisdiction in proceedings where — ( a ) the subject matter of the proceedings is within the scope of the 1968 Convention as determined by article 1 ( whether or not the Convention has effect in relation to the proceedings ) ; and ( b ) the defendant or defender is domiciled in the United Kingdom or the proceedings are of a kind mentioned in article 16 ( exclusive jurisdiction regardless of domicile ) .
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