Example sentences of "[art] [det] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 Cardiff 's concern , as it will be for everyone else the All Blacks play in their seven matches in Wales , five in Ireland and one in England , is that the tourists match the mood of their public back home .
2 ‘ What we have done over the past two years is to improve on our ability to retain the ball in contact , to drive very successfully as units ( as the All Blacks found to their cost in Lille ) and to deep those drives going .
3 Indeed , the higher a case proceeds in the organization , the more officials rely for their knowledge of ‘ the problem ’ upon a version constructed by field staff and substantially transmitted by the written word ( cf.
4 The same thoughts pass through their minds and they are both aware of their deep ties to each other .
5 Let us assume that we have selected twenty cases who all have the same bugs growing in their throats .
6 Returning to our canine theme , dogs still carry with them the same instincts possessed by their wild ancestors , still remaining members of that same species — the wild wolf — even after so many generations of breeding have made them what must be the most diverse species upon Earth .
7 If the marriage between small businesses and financiers is to have a happy ending , the couple need more than a guiding hand from a few enthusiasts dedicated to their cause .
8 Lady Grubb had fallen easily into the habit of behaving to her children as if she were some doggedly snobbish godmother , inviting them home every few months to look into their marriage prospects and treating the occasion as if it were a country weekend that put her to a lot of trouble , though her house was actually in the middle of London and fully staffed with unhappy au-pair girls .
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