Example sentences of "[art] [det] [vb mod] [adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ( It should be noted that the latter may only be taken as the final module in a masters programme ) .
2 The major difference in practice between share ( equity ) and loan capital is that the interest on the latter must always be paid whether the company makes a profit or not .
3 The major difference in practice between share ( equity ) and loan capital is that the interest on the latter must always be paid whether the company makes a profit or not .
4 Often , of course , these were different forms of the same general relations , though the latter can not be reduced to the former , in all or even a majority of cases .
5 This explains why the latter can not be used when there is no reference at all to something in the present which makes the infinitive 's event an impending occurrence as is the case in : ( 17 ) My babe-in-arms will be 59 on my 89th birthday .
6 At this biological level the evidence is unequivocal ; there are drives both to preserve self and to sacrifice self for others , and the latter can not be derived from the former .
7 The latter can probably be broken down again into :
8 While such views are common doctrine in grammars as far as finite forms are concerned , it will be proposed here that a support or person is also present in the infinitival form of the verb , even though the latter can neither be predicated grammatically of a subject nor take any personal endings .
9 The latter can usually be distinguished by the more generous hospitality — cheese and wine parties are very often the province of a nursing recruitment agency , or other private sector employer .
10 The latter can usually be identified by the target to the court by reason of circulars and other communications being returned undelivered and dividend warrants remaining uncashed .
11 The latter can now be calculated from the Boltzmann equation .
12 The latter can certainly be encouraged by statements made by the head .
13 The latter can often be parcelled up into specialist teaching packets .
14 Here " head " ( , ) and " pate " ( ) are the pair , and are perhaps completely synonymous ( though the latter could reasonably be thought more specific or " concrete " than the former ) .
15 Then , on 23 September , the 86th general congregation began debate on what had now become a Declaration on Religious Liberty , promptly attacked by Cardinal Ruffini who insisted the title should be ‘ Religious Tolerance ’ rather than Liberty , for the latter could not be justified theologically .
16 These Courts held that since the Arab Organization for Industrialisation had its own legal identity separate from the four member States and enjoyed financial , procedural , and administrative autonomy , the latter could not be bound by obligations entered into on behalf of the Organisation .
17 This did not necessarily mean that the churches opposed alleviation of pain , but it did mean that the ministrations of the pastor were much more important than those of the physician , and those of the latter should not be permitted to interfere with the spiritual task of the former .
18 Another Scottish employer is quoted by Macdonald as saying that " given a certain area of floor space for men and women , on the former would probably be produced half more than on the latter " . "
19 Our previous work has shown that actinomycin binding to T 9 GCA 9 is different to ( AT ) n GC(AT) n since the footprinting with the former can not be detected at 4°C [ 25 ] .
20 The former can not be defined by any objective criteria and are largely a matter of personal taste , although if you wish to guarantee a reasonable resale value , it is crucial to make sure that your tastes coincide with more universally held views on aesthetic appeal .
21 If the former can not be allowed to happen because this spells an end to society , then external coercion must come to replace internal restraint ; and drives which can not be inhibited and redirected by the ego and superego must instead be mastered by agencies of social control .
22 The former can easily be caricatured as humourless puritans who object to games which involve guessing the number of beans in a jar at the church fete .
23 The latter was accessible to an observer but the nature of the former could only be inferred .
24 The same may also be said of the existence of a right of appeal .
25 Fortunately , the same ca n't be said of ‘ The Caterpillar ’ .
26 Fortunately , the same ca n't be said of ‘ The Caterpillar ’ .
27 For want of about £2 million , the same ca n't be said of the Vulcan Bomber .
28 Professor Rhys , of Cardiff Business School , points out that the Essex plant is in an area of low unemployment and that the same could not be said of the other big plants .
29 Erica herself was entirely honest , and worked hard for her causes , but the same could not be said of some of her associates .
30 Unfortunately the same could not be said of the bad weather ruling which reared its ugly head too often .
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