Example sentences of "[art] [det] [noun] that you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who worked to raise the extra £2000 needed in 1988 — the many ways that you devised and involved your class members in helping with was FANTASTIC .
2 ‘ When a black kid does see a black athlete , such as myself , a role model if you like , that might be enough to spark a little interest and I thank that the more blacks that you see in tennis , it will promote black tennis further . ’
3 Well , my feeling is , and it 's really the same message that you get from most greens and most environment books , is that under-consumption , that is poverty in the poor countries , is linked to over-consumption in the rich countries , and we have to grasp this nettle — it 's one that the Conservative Party in its White Paper on the environment avoids noticeably — we have to grasp the nettle , that as long as we are over-consuming there 's not going to be enough to go round everywhere , and my book shows that this pattern is really a three hundred year old pattern dating from the first Colonial expansion of Europe and the slave trade , and it 's still going on today .
4 Perhaps you know them over the garden wall to speak to you , you might even know their children by name and you know their christian name , but beyond that I think it 's true to say , even making allowance of generation gaps that you do n't know your neighbours in the same way that you knew your neighbours in London .
5 In the same way that you go into a DIY store to mix paint , we are looking to fit our product to customers ’ lifestyle and financial needs . ’
6 In effect they will be assessing you in much the same way that you make your own self-assessment and then trying to match you to jobs in the way that you should do when applying for jobs directly .
7 You 've no choice , you 're part of the international environment and you operate in that and you ca n't control , as I 've said before , er even if you 're as powerful as the United States , you ca n't control that environment and you do n't claim to control that environment in the same way that you claim to control your domestic environment .
8 ‘ In the same way that you hoped to impose order on the undercity ? ’ asked Tundrish sarcastically .
9 If you do get a good still picture when you put the machine in pause , you can use this facility in the same way that you use other still pictures in the classroom .
10 When you offer a piece of information , you do n't commit yourself in quite the same way that you do when you propose or suggest an idea .
11 You must exercise your mind each day in the same way that you do your body .
12 So you have to set the boundaries for friends , in just the same way that you do for parents .
13 Take your pulse in the same way that you calculated your resting pulse rate earlier .
14 When you are told to move the lace carriage more than once ( by a succession of straight arrows ) , you are shaping the stitches on the needles to firm the pattern , in the same way that you slip stitches to and fro on knitting needles before ‘ purling ’ back .
15 Peanuts are perfect badger bribes — just the same type that you buy to put out for the birds .
16 He also had to watch out for the bears that pounced on you if you stepped on the lines in the pavement , and the killer bats that hung upside down in the shadows under the roof of the railway arch , and the rats that came out of the cracks in the brickwork and infected you with their deadly diseases simply by breathing out into the same air that you breathed in .
17 Is he the same driver that you let go two years ago , he 's an old man of the track a little at , he has n't had a terribly successful time at Ferrari .
18 Right , the same drawer that you put the jumper in that one goes in .
19 Every night Tip O'Neill drops by his bed and prays to the same God that you do and he prays for the strength that 's necessary the next day to defeat everything that you believe in .
20 Do you think that many political wives have the same problems that you had ?
21 If possible eat on the same day that you buy them .
22 ‘ On the day that your parents like the same music that you do , it 's all over ; you ca n't even call it rock'n'roll any more .
23 If they learn how to handle the patient with the same care that you have learned from the physiotherapists , occupational therapists and nurses , the patient will be perfectly safe .
24 So if we put four in there , we should get the same answer that you got .
25 They are all individual , no one 's got the same fingerprints that you 've got .
26 ‘ Well if Security 's in on that could n't they be finding the same pattern that you have ? ’
27 If proceedings have been issued you may be required to contribute to the Defendants ' legal costs , but this will usually be limited to the same amount that you contributed to the Legal Aid Board in respect of your own legal costs .
28 And there were a few things that you mentioned as you were going through that a you know I just really want to make a few comments on really .
29 An exercise that is always valuable , is to rewrite a few articles that you have read .
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