Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] of [noun] [adj] the " in BNC.

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1 At this point it is really interesting to note the variety of activities that the members of my class regard as ‘ useful ’ .
2 Allen was nominated as one of the 135 commissioners ( MPs and others ) to form the high court of justice to conduct the trial of Charles I. The meetings of the court started on 8 January 1649 but Allen did not attend at the Painted Chamber in Whitehall until 17 January .
3 On the afternoon of November 21st the townspeople flocked to the hill site of Tiutiunnyk 's battle .
4 Edward still prevaricated , but at the Parliament of March 1299 the magnates extorted further concessions by the threat of armed force .
5 According to the Economist of March 16 the three groups presented arms " shopping lists " to the Chinese authorities .
6 A year before their landslide victory in the election of June 1987 the Conservatives lagged behind Labour in the opinion polls .
7 Julian urges us , ‘ ’ Every morning put your mind into your heart and stand in the presence of God all the day long . ’
8 According to a report in the Guardian of June 20 the attack was probably carried out in retaliation for the killing by security forces on June 18 of Mohammed Abdullah Bangroo , field commander of the Hizbul-Mujahidin , one of the largest guerrilla groups operating in Kashmir .
9 This is the kind of application that the new portable version of ACT ! has fulfilled .
10 Station Officer Ron Carr , of Middlesbrough Fire Station , said : ‘ Smoke was bellowing from the roof of number 14 the end terrace house when we arrived .
11 There 's the screeching of brakes all the time .
12 Housed at present in the Mirbach Palace , they were made in the seventeenth century at the Mortlake factory , near London , by Flemish workers , under the patronage of Charles I. The idea of a national establishment for weaving tapestries came to King James from Henry IV of France and in 1619 he sent to Flanders for the best weavers .
13 By the day before the completion of sale all the goods in her house had been gathered together in one room downstairs , some packed in wooden crates , some in black leather cases and tapestry bags , some still living free .
14 Since the publication of Cmnd. 7131 the discount rates to be used by nationalized industries have not been specified centrally .
15 In nineteen thirty there was something like there was only about er ninety , hundred spitfires in the Battle of Britain all the rest were fucking Hurricane 's and stuff
16 You had to go through all the misery and raise it with the danger of leaks all the time in some of the central international establishments in America .
17 The logic of constructing courses so that students recognise the importance of language all the time is very compelling .
18 If we nevertheless believe that He exists , we are only showing the sort of commitment that the partisan shows .
19 Interior Ministry troops , who had come under fire from rooftop snipers , later succeeded in throwing a cordon around the CP headquarters to protect it from further attack , but Moscow radio reports said that by the evening of Feb. 13 the violence had spread from the city centre to numerous locations in the suburbs , and that automatic gunfire could be heard .
20 Although some Iraqi pockets remained , by the evening of Feb. 26 the Kuwaiti resistance movement claimed to be in control of Kuwait City .
21 In the evening of May 20 the King personally intervened in the crisis , summoning Suchinda and Chamlong to a meeting which was televised live .
22 On the evening of April 15 the PRI announced that it would not be supporting the new government in parliament .
23 On the evening of Jan. 22 the congress voted to endorse abolition of the LCY 's constitutionally guaranteed leading role in society .
24 On the night of May 5-6 the village of Voskepar , in the north-east corner of Armenia close to the border with Azerbaijan , was razed by Azerbaijani and Soviet troops .
25 On the night of May 29 the consultative council of the FIS had issued a communiqué calling off the strike and obliquely denouncing the principal strike leader , FIS president Abassi Madani .
26 On the night of June 4-5 the Sejm ( lower house of parliament ) passed a motion of no confidence in the government of Prime Minister Jan Olszewski .
27 As soon as the aerial bombing of Iraq started on the night of Jan. 16-17 the Israeli authorities imposed a strict curfew throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip .
28 Soon afterwards Classic FM 's studio in the heart of London began to take shape and at the beginning of September 1992 the station started broadcasting .
29 At the beginning of February 1990 the government stated that 6,700 suspected left-wing JVP members were being detained in prisons and security-force camps .
30 At the beginning of December 1990 the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) released the third tranche , worth $240,000,000 , of a $1,400 million standby loan agreed in November 1989 , suspended in February 1990 and reactivated in May [ see pp. 37040 ; 37244 ; 37451 ] .
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