Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] that [verb] [pron] with " in BNC.

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1 However , he begins , after a fashion that is less rare with him than is commonly supposed , by apologizing for the impressionism that supplies him with the terms he needs :
2 It is largely up to the banks themselves to decide on the ratio that they consider to be ‘ prudent ’ : i.e. the ratio that provides them with enough liquid assets to enable them to meet any demands for cash .
3 CHELSEA defender Paul Elliott is to sue Dean Saunders and Liverpool over the tackle that left him with a severe knee injury .
4 It 's the stillness that fills me with peace .
5 Its the beauty that thrills me with wonder ,
6 The idea that provides it with cohesion is a ‘ principle of continuity : authority is diffused between past , present and future ; between the old , the new and what is to come .
7 The problem I must admit the problem that surprised me with overheads is that erm people ca n't write and listen at the same time , or the other thing is , you put something on an overhead th every bit of it gets written down which is why I adapted it so that you did .
8 The face that confronted her with so much earnest goodwill and innocence , and with , she felt mistrustfully , such incalculable thoughts behind it , was square and brown , with a good deal of chin and nose to it , and an odd mouth with one corner higher than the other .
9 A presence that disturbs me with the joy
10 A force that provides us with food and warmth and light … and upon which we 've become very dependent , maybe to our cost .
11 ‘ He does n't live in a void , ’ said the poet 's wife on television , in a cut that shook her with its glibness .
12 The words were delivered with a flatness that stopped her with her hand on the door .
13 IAN CHAPMAN , the former head of publisher William Collins who left in acrimonious circumstances when it was taken over by media mogul Rupert Murdoch , is back in the book business with a venture that links him with Sir David English , editor-in-chief of Associated Newspapers .
14 between different production systems , institutions , schemes and social organisations in which business enterprises figure prominently but are nonetheless only one component of a network that links them with the educational system , the technological infrastructure , management/labour relations , the relations between the public and private sectors , and the financial system .
15 She 'd had a wondrous time with another man , a time that filled her with remembered textures and sensations , that would have left her smiling now if Parr had not become so damned intrusive .
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