Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] is just [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since the Chart is just a recursive , directed , labelled graph , we could use graph-based techniques to probe the extent of the search problem .
2 Well I think I 've been rather more fortunate , the two branch managers I 've had er , before , I 'd not had long enough , er , both have given albeit not regular , but feedback both positive and negative , er , when you 're doing a good job and when you 're doing a bad job , and er , in all honesty , it 's probably the appraisal itself , that 's actually been unnecessary because of their feedback they 're given me during the year , because the appraisal is just a formal repetition of what 's already been said .
3 The CTP proclaims that the link between the perceived object and the perception is just an ordinary bit of the great causal nexus of nature ( it needs to believe this , as we shall see presently ) and yet it is prepared to accept that this segment of the chain has a rather privileged status ; at the very least , that it has a beginning and an end .
4 However , facing into the wind while waiting for a launch , a tyre on the wing-tip is just a convenient way of preventing the wing from lifting off the ground .
5 Sometimes you 're called in that many times in the , I mean , they put the phone down y , on you , do you know what I mean , and it 's actually getting to speak to the person is just a total shock .
6 ‘ I do n't know much about etiquette back there in the shtetl , but even in these decadent times we do n't feel a gun in the back is just a snappy way to say ‘ please ’ . ’
7 TV lounge , car park and the beach is just a 3-minute level walk away .
8 the music is just an unusual , and some of it is downright odd .
9 The dole is just a downward spiral .
10 In the automobile industry , the reality is just the opposite — companies that are good at manufacturing are also good at development .
11 The Weaving Mother must know the beginning and the end of the process , or else the middle is just a meaningless jumble .
12 The Earth is just the right distance from a star , the Sun , which is of just the right kind of size .
13 A crystal is just a large orderly array of atoms or molecules in the solid state .
14 Have a word is just a basic jobby .
15 In the jargon of finance an annuity is just a regular flow of cash into or out of an account .
16 But as I say , I hate pedals , because the sound of a guitar through an amp is just a beautiful sound , and if you put it through too many other things it just gets weakened and made mock .
17 Erm , so that 's an illusion , a delusion , in other words , an illusion is something that could happen , but the difference between an illusion and an error , is an error is just a cognitive mistake , an illusion is a cognitive mistake that is kept going by a wish .
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