Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] was [v-ing] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 And then the drawbridge was falling , with a clanking and a whirring of machinery and the light was pouring into the courtyard and the Gnomes were cheering and the giants were nodding to one another , and there was nothing for it but to ride away with Snodgrass , with Balor loping along at their side , with Fenella behind in the hands of the Gruagach .
2 The last of the light was flowing into the horizon .
3 Captain Faulknor 's worst fears were realised : they were in shoal water , position not known , and the wind was increasing into a gale .
4 ‘ O'Neill and O'Donnell crossed here with cannon and horses on the way to Kinsale in one night , ’ he told her as the car was climbing into the low mountains .
5 The boat was drifting into the current , the long poles dipping in the dark water and pushing her away .
6 The sun was settling into the tree-tops up the line when it finally curved into view .
7 It has been raining for three days — Oh ! how lovely the caravans were those evenings in Touggourt , when the sun was sinking into the salt .
8 The sun was pouring into the courtyard and his brawny arms glistened with sweat .
9 To these reluctant Dutchmen the invasion was a liberation , and even the weather matched their joy ; the sun was climbing into a cloudless sky and beginning to burn of the mist which still clung in the leafy valleys .
10 Like a giant golden disc , the sun was sliding into the sea , turning it to blood .
11 And now she concentrated the whole of her mind and her brain and her will up into her eyes and once again but much more quickly than before she felt the electricity gathering and the power was beginning to surge and the hotness was coming into the eyeballs , and then the millions of tiny invisible arms with hands on them were shooting out towards the glass , and without making any sound at all she kept on shouting inside her head for the glass to go over .
12 There was movement there amid the tumbled rocks that the dusk was making into a maze of shadow .
13 Inside the shop people were shouting and running about and the supervisor was shouting into the wall telephone .
14 As the train was pulling into the station at Shkodër some of the rioters set light to the last two carriages ; at least two passengers were burned to death .
15 The sky was darkening into a grey mother-of-pearl .
16 The JetRanger was going into the water .
17 The damp was creeping into the living room .
18 As far as she could see , the road was going into the sky !
19 Soon after Naxos , Athens undertook a big aggressive campaign in the south-eastern Aegean , under Kimon 's leadership ; this was perhaps in response to allied discontent at the way the league was turning into a machine for policing its own members .
20 The ship was sailing into the harbour now .
21 Bernard and Laura nearly became victims of their own success at this point ; with the great increase in turnover ( sales were by this time around £100,000 a year ) , the company was falling into the near inevitable trap of a young , fast-growing business .
22 The trust was researching into the possibilities of alleviating famine through cultivating desert .
23 The piper was moving into the ring of people .
24 He knew perfectly well that the software was going into the Ministry of Defence , he had not asked to what use it would be put when it was installed , and he certainly hoped there would be more of the same .
25 It was a hot May evening : the children on the streets around the gallery were lightly clad and quarrelsome , and the sunlight was streaming into the upper room where the exhibition was displayed .
26 A girl was sauntering into the hall .
27 I would be deeply suspicious if the level of consistency were such that the figure were absolutely the same in every area because that would suggest to me that no discretion was going into the process .
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