Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] is [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Psychologically , as the response is always rewarded when this crucial element is present , the response becomes more and more strongly connected with the relevant cue and extinguished as a response to other cues .
2 The rest of the tent is then laid and pegged out .
3 In many of the higher insects the pleuron is usually connected and fused with the tergum by downward prolongations of the prescutum and postnotum .
4 The district which was due to take over the funding is now claiming that some of the people who are now living in the special units attached to old people 's homes are not their responsibility They did not originally come from their districts and so they are refusing to pay some of the finance over .
5 Spoon the sauce onto serving plates , so that the base is completely covered and stand a pear in the middle .
6 If left too long in a situation of abandonment , the split is not healed and comes to be used as a predominant defence , as it did with Clive and Rose Greenacre .
7 The ridge is quickly gained and on this peach of a day was absolutely magnificent , with the hills retaining sizeable patches of spring snow that sparkled in the hazy sunshine .
8 This can be diagrammed in the following way for the early interception : and as follows for the final one : The to infinitive , therefore , is not strictly speaking a verb but rather a syntactic construction : it involves two parts , the infinitive , a verbal form which evokes a representation of an event produced by means of the verb system , and to , a preposition which indicates a relationship between the place in time where the support has to be situated to begin actualizing the infinitive 's event ( occupied by the representation of non-ordinalized person incorporated within the infinitive ) and some other prior place in time which the support is also represented as occupying or having occupied previous to the realization of this event .
9 Indeed , for all cases where the to infinitive evokes " subsequent potentiality " the support is necessarily seen or implied to be situated in time prior to the event .
10 I suppose when they string together every possible Celtic cliché , you can only sit back and submit knowing that the stereotype is so overplayed as to be utterly ridiculous , yet at the same time resenting the perpetration of it .
11 For first attempts the board is best positioned as above , but with practice the board can be manoeuvred once the rig is out of the water .
12 The Board is simply saying that its own policies will also be explicitly only for companies .
13 The board is there to ensure that the share-holders achieve the best return on their investment .
14 Some of these designs can be adjusted when the sack is fully loaded and being worn — others have to be adjusted beforehand .
15 A baby conceived by in vitro fertilization in this way is as genetically related to its father and mother as a normally conceived baby , and the technique is widely accepted as ethically acceptable , although not , of course , by the Catholic Church , for the reasons that have been mentioned above .
16 A return for loss of use of the money is still required and if no return were made then buyers would not lend to the government and would lend elsewhere , for example .
17 Added to this is the fact that the case is n't earthed and , once again , you 've got mains voltages hanging around waiting to bite you !
18 ‘ Delay in the conduct of civil proceedings occurs at three main stages , namely : ( i ) before proceedings are commenced ; ( ii ) between the commencement of proceedings and the point where the case is either settled or is ready for trial ; and ( iii ) between readiness for trial and the trial itself . ’
19 The case is well documented and even official bodies like the Northern Ireland Economic Council would increasingly tend to accept that .
20 Furthermore , when we do not notice an example , we often begin with a vague feeling that the text is poorly written and have to work quite hard to say just what is wrong with it .
21 The reserve is part owned and part leased by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds , ably managed by RSPB resident warden , Jimmy Dunbar .
22 A clause , such as is commonly found in standard terms , providing that the whole of the parties ' obligations are defined by the written agreement may also be caught by s3(2) ( b ) if , in fact , the contract is partly written and partly oral as a result of oral undertakings given alongside the written contract .
23 Schweinfurt people who had suffered from the bombing avoided the speech , saying they ‘ did n't want to know any more of the war ’ and that ‘ the Führer is mentally disturbed and megalomaniac ’ .
24 The decision is not taken until all are in agreement .
25 Where the buyer is well known and where , by his own remarks , the buyer indicates a willingness to talk about a more social matter , the salesperson will obviously follow .
26 It is that in a conditional sale agreement the passing of property to the buyer is expressly postponed until some condition ( usually all the instalments being paid ) is fulfilled .
27 The deck is beautifully drawn and is a tribute to the author 's programming ability .
28 The literature is well developed and offers a wealth of suggestions .
29 The introducer is then removed and the IUD opens to its correct shape in the womb .
30 Wooden risers are fixed to these strings , and the framework is then positioned and held in place , ready for the concrete .
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