Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] it was the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For the Prince it was the beginning of a love affair .
2 Warner Bros had once again profitably combined instruction and entertainment but as was so often the case it was the way in which they had used an actor that made the movie work in both respects .
3 So , because we were in the A A he said you could have a ba , and we had to go to court , we had a summons for court , for careless driving , your dad and your dad said oh so A A said you could have barrister , or our insurers said we could have a barrister our insurers , not the one with we 're with now Norman , he was to do all the , said we could have this barrister and it was at Liverpool Crown Court and , it was n't till a , and I was alright we we just got a bit of a shock , you know , we could drive the home it was the wing and what not .
4 In the early days of the war it was the practice for all staff to take shelter on the ‘ alert ’ , but loss of production time demanded a better system , and late in 1940 , a ‘ spotter ’ was detailed to observe enemy aircraft and to warn when danger was imminent .
5 At night after close of the service it was the practice to stable the empty trains end to end on the running lines in the tunnels on each side of the shed car pits , the end doors of each vehicle opened to permit ready exit of passengers in the event of an emergency , and to allow access to the lines of stabled trains by cleaners and others whose nocturnal duties took them into the subway tunnels .
6 It was all very laudable wanting to bring culture to the masses , but if the masses chose to turn their backs on the enterprise it was the shareholders who stood to lose .
7 And in the finish it was the hole everyone will probably remember as the one which finally sealed Greg 's win .
8 When the bundle of clothes hit the ground it was the dog who realised first that there was something inside , also broken and crumpled , and after the dog came the children , who revolved round the heap , fascinated , until one noticed the blood and began to scream , and adults arrived to remove them from whatever it was that lay on the concrete .
9 When Philippines volcano Mount Pinatubo exploded blowing out 20 million tonnes of hot ash into the air it was the signal for a cold , wet , miserable August for Northern Europe a year later , they say .
10 When he announced he would retire from the game at the end of Biarritz 's run in the Championship it was the signal for scores of journalists to gather at each match to report on his ‘ funeral ’ … but we kept postponing it ’ .
11 In the novel it was the function of Gothic to open horizons beyond social patterns , rational decisions , and institutionally approved emotions .
12 As the first purpose-built motor racing circuit in the world it was the forerunner of many of today 's great circuits and must , therefore never be forgotten .
13 Last summer , at the Communists ' congress , an attempt by the so-called Democratic Platform to break the party in two failed miserably ( in the end it was the Platform that collapsed ) .
14 Government sources said , however , that in the end it was the conditions which would eventually determine timing of British participation .
15 And he managed to live until he was seventy-one , much longer than the expectancy of any hellraiser , although in the end it was the drinking that took him in 1988 .
16 I think in the end it was the Populus alba that did it .
17 Civil servants might , though in the end it was the politicians who decided , which was why he had declined the highest office with both Nato and the International Monetary Fund .
18 In the end it was the action of freezing Thom 's bank accounts that finally traced him .
19 In the end it was the woman who gave ground and the boy who stayed .
20 Andrea Palladio ( 1518–1580 ) the Italian architect , was revered and studied by English architects , who built adaptations of Italian palaces in England , but by the end of the century it was the Adam brothers who were having the greatest influence .
21 In the country it was the custom for the estate workers or tenants to act as both coffin- and pall-bearers , this was a necessity as the local builder often doubled up as undertaker and would not have had so many men at his command as the full-time town undertaker .
22 In the street it was the men who roused him by their flesh and their manly , vigorous movement …
23 It was n't so much the fact that of parking on the footpath it was the consequences of parking on the footpath .
24 In almost every case it was the farmer 's son .
25 I know I thought I 'd turned it off , I 'm going to have a look , something seems to be making a noise it was the vent
26 The 70th was raised in Surrey in 1756 and as a result it was the junior of the two regiments .
27 ‘ A crown to a groat it was the boy , ’ said Hugh .
28 You had to produce the right club , and if you made a mistake it was the end of you .
29 When Diana gave the false name to secretaries in phone calls to the London offices of Wright , Son and Pepper they had no idea it was the princess on the other end of the line .
30 In so far as Ferdinand had a system it was the restoration of the machinery of government and the society that he had known in 1808 : ministerial despotism superimposed on the old Councils , the very system the Persians professed to abhor .
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