Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] to [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then apply the interlining to the buckram by pressing the bump turning allowance to the back , as with the pelmet fabric described above .
2 The CD industry might provide 230 jobs in Swindon , but judging by the response to a poll on local radio , most people would like to see prices lowered .
3 For that matter it is disconcerting how often the response to a call for advice and help on resource-based and discovery learning is a series of formal lectures , and how the Library-College movement in the USA has typically propounded its ideas by " lectures against the lecture " !
4 An incredible example of the attitude in London can be seen in the response to a request from practitioners that they , like anybody else in the land , should become subscribing members of the College .
5 If so , then the response to a question about job satisfaction will be in these terms .
6 In its final year , the project will pay particular attention to the response to the Scheme in the traditional boarding school sector and to the differential impact of the Scheme in areas with selective and non-selective forms of state education .
7 Before picking out a few of the research findings , which highlight short-comings , I should say that there was a great deal to commend and admire about the response to the Act from individual schools and authorities in very difficult circumstances , not the least of which was the failure of central government to provide any additional resources .
8 One good idea is to get them to shout the response to the call of ‘ Oggy ’ , which originated in Cornwall .
9 In this chapter we shall outline the present position in each country and consider the response to the reorganisation of the early 1970s. first , however , we need to consider further the principles which informed the debates about local government structure .
10 As Potter ( 1980 ) points out , it is difficult to differentiate from analysis how far morphemic or graphic cueing has influenced the response to the end of a word .
11 On the other hand the response to the use of video was astonishing .
12 It is then not surprising that much of the response to the sociology of knowledge is a defence of these disciplines that incorporates the common-sense proposition that social context can influence the form and content of knowledge .
13 The response to the mention of LEDU was extremely negative .
14 The response to the dilemma by a growing number of schools is to completely abandon the sale of food at breaks and to look to other means to generate funds .
15 The response to the recognition of law 's instrumental limitations , and to the growth of discretion , has been contradictory .
16 6.4 Over the summer months , SCOTVEC will analyse the response to the consultation on the composition of course batches and will then send each centre , in late August 1989 :
17 The response to the questionnaire about training has been very satisfactory and it has provided the Training Committee with plenty of information to work on for planning future training programmes .
18 The emergence of these two campaigns also marked an important tactical shift in the response to the failure of earlier attempts by individuals in both the UK and the USA to secure judicial recognition for the practice of withholding tax destined for military expenditure .
19 But the overwhelming size of the response to an initiative like ‘ Childline ’ indicates that it would be dangerous to conclude that young people do not have problems even if first attempts to tap them fail .
20 Additionally if the trustees add the income to the capital of the trust fund and pay the same out to the beneficiary in a capital form , under general principles there will be no income tax charged upon the beneficiary ( there could be a charge however under certain anti-avoidance provisions mentioned hereafter ) .
21 At the time of the evaluation School A had already embarked upon curriculum integration in an integrated studies ( IS ) programme in the first year , curriculum augmentation by the addition to the curriculum of study skills for years 1–5 , and was debating infrastructural integration through the physical relocation of the library in the suite of rooms already accommodating the audio-visual resource centre .
22 In tanks or sinks where algae have become established , the addition to the water of enough potassium permanganate to turn the water a violet colour will usually have the desired effect .
23 In this study , the addition to the diet of 15 mmol sodium sulphate/day over a 10 day period inhibited methane production in three of six normally methanogenic subjects .
24 Investment in the National Accounts is entirely a ‘ flow ’ concept , as it is the addition to the stock of fixed capital or to the stock of inventories in any given year .
25 Two members of the Warnock Committee dissented from the majority to the extent of permitting surrogacy as a treatment for childlessness under the general supervision of a licensing authority ; and they also suggested that payment to a surrogate mother should not be a barrier to the child being adopted by the commissioning couple .
26 He left four-fifths of his residuary estate to the Royal Society and the remainder to the Society of Chemical Industry , stipulating that the capital should be kept intact and the income used to encourage scientific research .
27 An alternative , favoured by those of a religious persuasion , was that A'Tuin was crawling from the Birthplace to the Time of Mating , as were all the stars in the sky which were , obviously , also carried by giant turtles .
28 The doctor fixed the drip to the bulkhead with adhesive tape .
29 ‘ That the Dawson International Executive Share Option Scheme 1993 , the provisions of which are summarised in the Appendix to the letter to members of the Company dated 16th June 1993 , to be constituted by the Rules produced in draft to this meeting and for the purposes of identification initialled by the Chairman hereof , be and is hereby approved and the Directors be and are hereby authorised to do all acts and things which they may consider necessary or expedient for implementing and giving effect to the same including making such amendments to the Rules as may be necessary to gain the approval of the Inland Revenue . ’
30 An excerpt appears on pp. 197–8 of the Appendix to the book by Burrow cited above . )
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