Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] who have [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Beuno did n't suggest that Elizabeth would be expecting him back , but ate his omelette as casually and thoughtlessly as the squirrel who had moved off to eat nuts in a different hazel tree .
2 The detective-constable who had brought in the exhibits had said that the girl had been to a dance .
3 It was a picture of Louise Butler and Terry recognised her at once as the girl who had run out in front of his car on the night of the rave .
4 As he pulled on the oars — he could not bear simply to sit and wait for the bell to ring — John was again the boy who had set out to be the man he never became .
5 Or , for that matter , what good is it to the teacher who has to keep up with the ins and outs of teaching reading and who needs to diagnose the difficulties of Jason , Amil and Della and then advise a colleague on how to help them ?
6 And organisers of the project are convinced it will be good news for people living in the Borough Road area of the town who have put up with industrial eyesores for years .
7 And organisers of the project are convinced it will be good news for people living in the Borough Road area of the town who have put up with industrial eyesores for years .
8 Robinson , who is primarily a one-day opener but who scored two fifties when going in first in the final game of last year at Old Trafford , may press Alikhan , as could Paul Atkins and Ally Brown , a gifted striker of the ball who has tightened up his game .
9 They did not have time to destroy the ship 's logbook and this , combined with the testimony of the survivors , was evidence enough for Eck and those of the crew who had carried out the shooting to be arrested and tried by court-martial .
10 But even in remote situations I would strongly advise against this , after doing as much in a cottage in Appin only to be greeted by the landlord who had popped in to see if we were alright .
11 It would obtain to the person who had gone out and not to his heirs and successors and it would involve his going out and someone else taking on his land .
12 By the time I arrived in Canberra the person who had set up the passive avoidance work there , Marie Gibbs , had moved to La Trobe , a campus in Melbourne , several hundred kilometres distant .
13 I think he had been listening to some people in the dale who had missed out on the shoot and the money that went with it , and were critical , or pretended to be critical , of people who worked for Sir Emmanuel and the other toffs — maybe a bit left wing , although Stanley was n't a person who took any interest in politics .
14 The surveyor who had carried out the inspection had seen the water during his survey , but had put it down to a leak in the central heating system .
15 In a few hours I felt reborn and replete with new powers , washed clean and cured of a long sickness , finally ready to enter life with joy and vigour ; equally cured was suddenly the world around me , and exorcised the name and face of the woman who had gone down into the lower depths with me and had not returned .
16 He impatiently waved the face away ; he wanted no useless , interfering spectators , and the impatience was as much for his own continued failure as for the uncaring curiosity of the woman who had looked in — life was cheap in the Buildings .
17 After more anxious discussion , the woman who had come down with the leaves , bony and greyish of skin with her hair wrapped in a yellow turban , poured half , then all the small bottle of gin into the steaming mixture and ceremoniously put it in the centre of the floor .
18 Sixty-two years later Charles Black , Adam 's grandson and current chairman , has been sent the same manuscript ( which incidentally has survived a direct hit by a flying bomb in the Second World War ) by a descendant of the colonel who has taken up the search for a publisher .
19 The man on the floor who had jacked up grinned at her and she found herself grinning back .
20 For instance , a sales pitch claiming that a major discovery has been made in the North Sea sounds suspect to the investor who has lost out several times in the past .
21 The judge said during the raid Munn stood in front of the counter and the man who had broken down the screen handed him out the £6,460 from the teller 's cash drawers .
22 He was the Republicans ' defeated presidential candidate in 1960 , and the man who had stomped out of a press conference in 1962 when he failed to win the governorship of California , telling the reporters that they would n't ‘ have Nixon to kick around any more ’ .
23 The man who had hunted down countless villains on the screen crumbled when it came to punishing a little white dimpled ball measuring 1.68 inches in diameter .
24 Behind the gothic-arch pigeon hole , counting out change , she saw the man in boots , the man who had hung about at Faith 's funeral .
25 In so far as it reached out beyond the rather eccentric sect of the Comtist ‘ Religion of Humanity ’ , positivism became little more than a philosophical justification of the conventional method of the experimental sciences , and similarly for most contemporaries Mill was , again in the words of Taine , the man who had opened up ‘ the good old road of induction and experiment ’ .
26 I told her that at last I knew what really had happened to my father , her beloved husband , the man who had laid down his life for his country .
27 Taken aback , she could only stare in wide-eyed silence at the man who had materialised out of nowhere at her side .
28 She made it her rule that Belfast , the Provisional wing of the Irish Republican Army , casual atrocities never crossed her lips , not after his last trip away , because the man who had come back to her from Northern Ireland had been frightened of his own shadow .
29 The man who 'd turned up the sexual voltage after their night out , only to be found embracing his secretary at precisely the time they 'd agreed to meet today …
30 There was Gazza Martin , the man who 'd slashed out his verdict , ‘ The tone and attitude of your piece stinks ’ in response to my idealistic scribblings .
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