Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] you [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To re-seal a half-used cartridge , take the piece you cut off the end of the nozzle and push it into the nozzle the other way round
2 Through the grease on the window you see only the house next door .
3 I trust the exercise you 've just a carried out has at least given you an insight into the format and use of this document .
4 To the south you look down the steeply falling park to where the river slowly bends around Dittisham on the western bank , and to the west a view cut through the trees shows the river almost encircling the Sandridge promontory , its last wide stretch before it narrows upstream to Totnes .
5 Then , for the main course , she chose the steak-and-kidney pie , dripping gravy down her horrible blouse ( it 's the sort of blouse that when you see it in the shop you wonder how the shopkeeper intends to dispose of it because no one in their right mind would ever dream of swapping cash for it ) .
6 Just for that you can start again , from the moment you climbed up the mooring rope . ’
7 Is the product you know even a description of the product that we 're that they 're going into er will be suffice on the telephone , they do n't have to see these these these er items if they 're described in in er in enough detail .
8 A set of priorities went with the job and if you took on the job you took on the priorities .
9 Well she 's on the second balcony under in the centre under the top you know where the she 's said it 's great in the back there .
10 Well , you know when you get up the top you come out the school gates
11 But when your father has been murdered the day you make only the fourth televised maximum break , when you win your first major title and receive a hero 's reception on returning to your native land , even the prospect of meeting Hendry is going to cause no more than a flutter of the eyelid .
12 On the notice you sent out the other day for Monday 's meeting
13 But the other one of the is a nine o'clock delivery in the morning you see so the rest of the load must be there you see .
14 And who could ever forget the row you kicked up the one year you were n't chosen to play Mary in the school nativity play ? ’
15 Carrots curled into roses and golden hedgehog potatoes sneered : Make this the year you take on the challenge of making your vegetables more interesting .
16 If you read that the way you picked up a wine glass was magical , then you can never do that again unself-consciously ’ — Actress Anna Massey .
17 The first thing to note is that a chase should be built up in exactly the way you built up the whole of your book .
18 you know where the clock you know where the clock tower is ?
19 No By time you I mean it 's not that far but by the time you get there the car wo n't have a chance to warm up thoroughly .
20 This is generally for a set sum , over an agreed period , during which you sill pay back the capital and the interest : the rate of interest is fixed at the time you take out the loan , so your monthly repayments never change .
21 It decided it could squeeze in a fifth , but there is no room for a sixth channel and by the time you add up the extra transmission channels needed for relaying the signal onwards , there will not be enough spectrum to allow the fifth channel to cover the whole country .
22 No , once you take over a job you take over a job .
23 We used to go once a month you know when the girls were in the Guides , used to go for their parade service and if you were at Auckley , Malcolm and I used to go up with Heidi did n't I ?
24 Every time I rave about how sexy Rancid Hell Spawn 's distorted , chaotic pop-stupidity is and every time you take not a blind bit of notice .
25 But they 've all gone cos every time you rake up the leaves you throw away another fifty .
26 So what you 're saying is then , you like the idea of every time you pick up a phone you make , you earn a pound .
27 Yes , everybody , O K , now I 'll pay the phone bill , all I want you to do is pick up the phone and every time you pick up the phone and make an attempt to get me an appointment , I 'll give you a pound .
28 If I said to you every time you pick up the phone it 's closer to ten pounds , would it get you very excited .
29 You want to create a good impression every time you pick up the phone to answer it .
30 If every time you picked up the phone and made contact with somebody and I gave you a pound , would you accept that as a deal ?
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