Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] that is [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , our understanding of the technique that is now used so widely and with such serious consequences seems to have made disquietingly little progress since the 1770s , when Franz Anton Mesmer first took Paris by storm with his new , bizarre technique .
2 The proposal of the Leader of the Opposition to spend the money that is now spent on British farmers on farmers in southern Europe is something about which every farmer should know — unless the Opposition spokesman will advise him differently and tell the House when he has so advised him .
3 Some of the money that is currently channelled into day centres and day hospitals would probably be better spent in creating work schemes .
4 The case that is usually made out for retention is that the House of Lords nevertheless discharges a valuable constitutional function especially in the processing of uncontroversial Bills and the revision of Bills passed , perhaps with undue haste and lack of consideration , by the House of Commons .
5 Whether you are proposing or opposing an application , what is the best way to influence the decision that is eventually made ?
6 ‘ We just do n't have that kind of liturgy , ’ is the excuse that is often heard .
7 An alert cat has fully-opened eyes and this is the condition that is always maintained in the presence of strangers , who are not entirely trusted by the cat .
8 In discussing the help that reading can provide in exploring and explaining emotional lives , one comes upon a clue to the disappointment that is sometimes felt with writers as diverse as Arthur Ransome and Enid Blyton .
9 Since it is the consistent policy of successive UK governments to support ICAO , and ICAO has advocated a particular way in which aircraft accident reports should be written , it seems obvious that the appropriate regulations should require commissioners of public inquiries to follow the practice that is universally acknowledged as sound and practical .
10 The fear that is often expressed is that these new forms of cultivation will result in soil conditions analogous to the Oklahoma ‘ Dust Bowl ’ of the 1930s .
11 A horse 's degree of willingness , cooperation in learning new things , agreeableness in doing what we ask of it , are most important traits in a horse 's temperament if we wish to enjoy riding it ; yet it is an aspect of the horse that is more overlooked than any other when someone is thinking of buying or breeding a horse .
12 It 's transferring a limited provision of legal aid into a grant to an auth to an organisation which it controls and funds , which is not allowed to do the work that is currently done under the legal aid scheme .
13 The exercise of personal initiative also needs to be encouraged on other fronts , and this is the issue that is now considered .
14 Within hours of that Downing Street meeting , Lilley was talking of ‘ additional extra help for those on low incomes on top of the help that is already built in ’ .
15 The question that is never asked , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , is the one that concerns the quality of life .
16 Many people are confused by the jargon that is often used to describe the process of storing and retrieving information .
17 It has to be a genuine partnership at Cabinet level and all levels of coalition government of the sort that is absolutely established and highly stable on the continent . ’
18 Hence the words of an Act carry a sort of disembodied or dehumanised meaning : not necessarily the meaning intended by any actual person in particular , but the meaning that is conventionally attached to such words .
19 It also ensures that the waste that is ultimately disposed of is in a good form for long-term storage .
20 Using the notion that is particularly associated with representative government , of a new minister with explicit policy commitments , attention has been given to the pressures that frustrate such commitments , or replace them by commitments derived from other sources .
21 The elderly population is based on the estimated increase in population of the over seventy five year olds , and indeed that is the factor that is now used in S S A in terms of looking er , the need to spend on elderly people .
22 However , the price that is actually paid for the bond in the market is the dirty price ( also called gross price or full price ) , which is the clean price plus net accrued interest .
23 That is to say , your study will provide you with the knowledge that is generally accepted as making up the subject .
24 The property PAPAL is here associated intensionally with the noun assailant ( or , strictly , with the entity that is primarily identified by the noun assailant ) in order to satisfy the writer 's desire for specificity in putting across to the reader her idea of the person to be mentioned ; yet the property PAPAL was referentially applicable to somebody else , a person otherwise known as Karol Wojtyla .
25 I think that the bill which we first saw may well not be the bill that is eventually produced at the end of the day .
26 The voice that is always compared to the young Sinatra , and always comes out better in the comparison stayed mostly out of the limelight as Harry let his sixteen piece band do the talking .
27 It also means a more complicated view of humans than the interpretation that is often put on the classical conception — that we are ‘ naturally evil ’ .
28 For example , if the positive and negative poles of an electrical battery are connected , we ordinarily describe the discharge that is then manifested ( as heat , or motive force or whatever ) as a flow of power from the positive pole to the negative pole .
29 The research department is the resource that is well placed to do this , as demonstrated by the examples of equal rights and training .
30 In answering the question posed by the preliminary issue in this case affirmatively I believe that I am doing no more than giving the answer that is clearly called for by application of the common law principles of the law of negligence .
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