Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] that [vb past] give [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It had been Mme Guérigny 's and Montaine 's intimacy with the creatures of the forest that had given them the idea of hiding their deserter in the cave .
2 Spain was still deeply divided by the war and the choice of its commemorative dates ( such as " Victory Day " , or 18 July ) for the announcement of important political decisions was a tactic frequently used by Franco , reminding people that it was the outcome of the war that had given him the power to alter the country 's course as he thought fit .
3 Here , through the space of a breath or two , she could live for a moment in the rapturous evening when she and Lal had dressed for the Hunt Ball : the evening that had given her Andrew .
4 The place that did give him a job was the Irish Catholic paper The Standard , which had a very funny editor who just liked to drink most of the day and was amused by Patrick and hired him as film critic .
5 He betrayed no feelings to anyone in the country that had given him asylum .
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