Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] that [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 One of the great arguments for sentencing within the community is the opportunity that it ought to give the offender to make restitution in some way for the damage or hurt that he or she has caused .
2 It would have even more credibility if the Labour party would claim and set out the funding that it would provide for the national health service , which it has expressly failed to do .
3 ( 3 ) That since it could not be said that the jury would inevitably have convicted the defendant if before the trial the defence had been given the statement of the deceased 's husband and the two statements of her sister , if the jury had properly been directed with regard to evidence as to the defendant 's previous good character , and if they had received guidance from the judge on their problem concerning the evidence , the proviso to section 14(1) of the Judicature ( Appellate Jurisdiction ) Act could not be applied to uphold the conviction ; and that , accordingly , the case would be remitted to the Court of Appeal of Jamaica with the direction that it should quash the conviction and either enter a verdict of acquittal or order a new trial , whichever it considered proper in the interests of justice ( post , p. 169C–D , G–H ) .
4 Er , we have in her place , Judy , whose sitting here and I know that every official , and I hope yourselves , will give her all the support that she will need in this job and to say to her , your very welcome , and I know we 're going to enjoy having you with us .
5 Prof Anderson yesterday confirmed to the The Scotsman that he will outline the proposals , believed to be the first of their kind on such a scale in Britain , to councillors and officials this morning at a private meeting .
6 Her behaviour towards Falati was in breach of a promise she had made to her husband before the trial that she would curb her temper and her excesses and maintain a low profile , the ANC sources said .
7 At particular market in time whilst we agree as the board that we should employ someone and we intend to employ someone we just think at this particular moment in time it is very difficult for us to actually raise that sort of money on a regular basis .
8 What about twinning , do you think that that 's of such a high priority that when council houses need repairs that those repairs should be put down on the ladder and said ‘ I 'm sorry , we ca n't deal with that because part of the money that we could allocate to council house repairs is being used for twinning and things like that ’ ?
9 Well , I think we had much higher hopes before the Gulf crisis , I think what many people are saying now is that the peace dividend , the money that we could have saved by the end of the Cold War , will in fact , that peace dividend will be diluted by the Gulf .
10 I mean you know we 've proved the point with the the money that we used to spend stupidly .
11 Would my right hon. Friend care to come to the county town of Lancaster to see how outstandingly well our schools , under local management , are spending their money now that they have been freed from an extravagant county council which never had the right priorities and always deprived our schools of the money that they should have had ?
12 Er , in double income families , certainly in double income families , surely the wife 's gon na have more control over the money that she earns and the money that she can use ?
13 ‘ We have no hit list of closures but it is the case that we must react to the pressure of the market ’ ICI 's Chris Hamspon , the director responsible for Chemical & Polymers on Teesside .
14 It may well be the case that we should have had more staff but I willingly accept that the tenfold increase in the number arriving has overwhelmed our resources .
15 It will always be the case that it would have been better for one of the counterparties not to have taken out the forward contract but to have waited and transacted in the spot or cash market at the time called for delivery .
16 There would be an orgy of spending with no restraint , regardless of the damage that it might do to ratepayers , community charge payers or whatever they may be called .
17 We have also made it absolutely clear that we will ensure that our deterrent is effective and absolutely credible , and that it puts real fear into any potential aggressor about the damage that he could suffer if he were to attack this country .
18 The nearest description of the text that I can manage is that it is kindly didactic .
19 This has the advantage that we can examine two major issues at the same time : the extent to which the Copernican revolution destroyed hallowed perceptions of humanity 's place in the universe , and the extent to which Protestant audiences were more receptive .
20 Wind generators also have the advantage that they can go on working 24 hours a day , where solar panels can only operate in sunlight .
21 A layout of that kind would have the advantage that you could leave your work out on the desk in the room and go back to it later — you would n't need to tidy up before you started on another piece of work , because you 'd go to another room to do it .
22 They were very attractive and they did have the advantage that you could take them down and plunge the whole thing in water and wash it and er
23 The advantage that it should build upon is its multiple ownership , House argues .
24 A specialist nursery has the advantage that it can advise on the growing conditions in which the herb does best and advice may be available on the various ways of using it .
25 The silly thing is there is no divide on here and the only thing I can suggest really , there is a divide symbol in the computer that we can drag out but to drag it out every time it 's too boring really so I 'll think we use this I do n't like using this , but you see this symbol here , that 's what they really use for divide , so if you do that and a couple spaces , people will learn that that means divide , it 's all we can do really
26 The parliaments of Armenian , Georgia , Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania and Moldavia had announced in the weeks immediately preceding the referendum that they would take no part in organizing the holding of the referendum .
27 Closing the costings gap is never easy , and is resisted by the Service departments with all the ingenuity that they can muster .
28 ‘ Oh , for so many reasons — because friends supported me in the faith that we would end up together .
29 Of course not all teachers will recognize themselves , and probably no one person 's experience will match point for point with the sketch that I shall give .
30 Dictating the hour that he must rise
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