Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] that [verb] [pron] to " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , if it is not the rules of the sentence that enable us to be meaningful and to perceive meaning , then what is it ?
2 and about the snake that ate itself to death .
3 In this chapter I will look at some of the literature that addresses itself to Mannheim 's sociology of knowledge — these writers are the inheritors of his work in the sense that they have read and responded to his ideas .
4 Yet the contrast that presented itself to me as Edward Thomas described it was dramatic : down in the valley less than half a mile away was a modern colliery with all the latest gadgetry of modern technology , while the hill farmers ( at least some of them ) were still in the Middle Ages — even earlier , as far as their material culture was concerned .
5 And when I arrived in Lanyon 's house , I took the dose of the drug that returned me to my normal appearance .
6 For ants , matricide is an act of special genetic madness and formidable indeed must be the drug that drives them to it .
7 I want to take you through the thinking that led me to that conclusion , and then to concentrate on one of the keys to securing that future — the whole question of advancing the cause of children 's books .
8 ‘ Bending with the wind that brought you to me , ’ he quipped , the humour harsh and followed by a shrug .
9 The voice spread like ink through blotting paper and seeped across his mind until it reached the nerve that knew it to be Bella 's .
10 These middle-class heroes and heroines returned from their exploits in the great outdoors of the Cotswolds or the Cornish Moors to the sound of the gong that summoned them to groaning tables .
11 The first one on stage had to be the first off the coach that trundled them to and fro .
12 Sir Edmund Hillary has spent much of his life , and a great deal of the determination that took him to the top of Everest , raising funds to help the Sherpa People of the Nepalese Himalaya .
13 I did n't want her to give herself over to the view of life that underlay all this , the philosophy that pinned her to the shadow-corners of the world .
14 If the Smiths had only produced sunny , cuddly stuff like ‘ Heaven Knows ’ , ‘ Ask ’ , ‘ Vicar in a Tutu ’ , they would have merely presaged the perky negligibility of The Housemartins , the sound that grins itself to death .
15 ‘ So that was the business that took you to Holland ? ’
16 And er of course the point that Jack makes is the the point that brings them to faith is the work of the Holy Spirit , and not the work of anybody else .
17 If the spiritual realisations become bogged in the mud of the stagnant pond , materials stagger about pulling this way and that on the lead that joins them to their master .
18 We merely became accustomed to the general life of the common birds and animals , and to the appearances of trees and clouds and everything upon the surface that showed itself to the naked eye ’ .
19 She would cut the cord that bound her to them cleanly and irrevocably .
20 Even now the magnetism that drew her to him was so strong that if he knocked at her door and said he 'd changed his mind , in spite of everything , it might take more amor proprio than she could muster to refuse him .
21 Indeed , until recently the flight that took you to Iceland landed at the base itself rather than on ‘ real' Icelandic soil .
22 Occasionally , such a player realises this and finds he has the nerve to win the tournament , just as he had the nerve to win the tournament that took him to Augusta in the first place .
23 A week after the operation that took us to Southern Ireland , I was told to take Venturous up the east coast to Hull and from there , after a crew change , we were to carry out extended patrols northwards which would eventually involve us in a complete circumnavigation of the British Isles .
24 Often enough , restrictions are imposed in terrorem so as to discourage the more blatant activities of the outgoing partner but with the realisation that to hold him to the letter of the restraint might well be impracticable .
25 At that meeting the party changed its name , trying to distance itself from the word that connected it to communism .
26 But it made me think of the voice that sent us to the bar ; he whispered then .
27 Surely this love-struck lothario was not The Doc that bullied them to a successful FA Cup Final .
28 the most important time aspect of a planation surface is from the latest possible time of initiation of the cycle that produced it to the earliest possible time that it ceased being shaped ( i.e. its terminal date ) because of either burial or uplift ;
29 It is to require banks to hold capital specifically against market risk — broadly , the chance that the price of a share or a bond or a currency , for example , will fall , and expose the bank that holds it to loss .
30 Those woundings had been steps on the path that brought her to Santa de Nogueira , she realized .
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