Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] he [verb] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Nigel says if he can get the right package and continue to develop the team then he 's happy to sign for another two or three years … if he does n't get the deal he wants then he 's got no reason to carry on …
2 The tower told him which way to taxi , and he finally stopped in a bright ring of lights inside a hangar whose doors closed the moment he shut down his engines .
3 As his wife , as his Louise , had slipped , there was no friend with whom he could share the sorrow he felt over his son .
4 One of these , the Colt Patent Repeating Pistol , he had been in the habit of using throughout the siege and it was now stuck uncomfortably in the cummerbund he wore round his waist ; he was anxious that the others should not fall into the hands of the sepoys if the Residency were lost .
5 Daniel told the court he loved both his parents and he was very happy living with them .
6 The other he wound round his arm .
7 With one hand he pushed the boy away from him , and with the other he tore off his horned hood and hauled at the tight collar of his scaly costume .
8 At the end of the day he got exactly what he wanted — high office , achieved not merely without push but with a positive and recorded show of reluctance .
9 You ca I ca n't hel I 'd I right from the day he walked in I did n't like him .
10 With a slash of the knife he remembers when he was twelve , lying face down on the landing , watching and listening to his parents arguing about him and his future .
11 He said if she then sold her house he said put the capital he said alright he said she with not buying a you know , another house now you know the fact is he said alright if she got one in her area or wherever .
12 Athelstan was surprised at the precociousness of the child and , despite his tender years , the sway he held over his formidable uncle .
13 He drove for his life , knew that Curly Top would be screaming into the radio he carried over his shoulder , screaming for his storm-troopers to find and stop the Jeep .
14 Her owners fear this will leave Sami without the care he needs so they 're appelaing for a foster-mum .
15 Even Himmler was shocked by the scale of the repression he saw when he visited Spain in 1940 .
16 When it was discovered that a member of the Immigration Department was in the National Front his seniors merely glossed over it , saying that he was not a permanent member and in any case it did not affect the way he carried out his duties .
17 That was what they seemed to have in common , that and Rufus 's brother and Adam knowing each other already , but after a while Adam got to see things he admired in Rufus , his toughness , the way he 'd got himself organized and in hand , the way he knew where he was going and yet still could be amusing and casual .
18 If something went wrong with his contract killer perhaps he would talk it over the way he talked over his builder .
19 Yes , I told the King of imminent danger but , given the way he charged round his kingdom in the dead of night , even the court fool could have warned him just as accurately . ’
20 She could tell by the way he ground out his cigarette on the floor .
21 Although then 70-years-old , the old man was sent to prison and forced to endure re-educative hard labour and constant self-criticism for several years , and by the time he returned home his despairing wife had already committed suicide .
22 By the time he came back she was ready , looking like a spangled Christmas doll , her bone suit augmented by a scintillating green , three-tier necklace and bracelet , a startlingly flowered green hat , tight , incredibly high-heeled shoes of shiny green , and her fox stole .
23 By the time he came back he was soaked and cold .
24 By the time he got home his wife was already beginning to be unwell . ’
25 And as Willy said at the time he says Well it 's alright you saying that but there 's no doubt why we got the job .
26 It can be arranged without his knowing a thing about it , and by the time he gets back it 'll be in full swing . ’
27 He then forced himself to get through the rest of the day without writing , so that the well would have replenished its juice by the time he took up his pencil again the next daybreak .
28 By the time he reached home his only aim was to get the van into the garage and find the strength to get up the stairs and to bed .
29 Then reality started to move so fast that by the time he caught up it was all over and they were parked on the hard shoulder .
30 He encouraged her to talk about Paddy , asking questions as if he was really interested , and by the time he pulled up she was beginning to feel much better .
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