Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] which have always [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is well placed for excursions to the most spectacular part of the lake , and a region through its position at the corner , where the main lake turns south to face the high massif of the Gotthard and the route which has always beckoned northern traders , adventurers , mercenary soldiers — and nowadays tourists towards the southern lands .
2 The friction which has always existed between the two camps was made worse in the early 1970s when a number of colleges of art , some of them of considerable distinction , were swallowed up by polytechnics .
3 But the competition which has always existed between them is undeniable .
4 As head of the party which had always represented big business interests , he chose his cabinet mainly from the business world : " eight millionaires and a plumber " was a contemporary description — and the plumber , the Secretary of Labor , left within a year .
5 But the party which has always claimed the revolutionary role now shows no signs of fulfilling it .
6 She was wearing brown — a colour which had always suited Elizabeth .
7 Kylie — one of the world 's most travelled 21-year-olds — has kept secret a phobia which has always haunted her .
8 Heading a homicide enquiry is a prize which has always eluded her , until against all the odds she is appointed to head a case .
9 This had been a central theme of Left propaganda , appealing to a movement which had always tended to think dichotomously .
10 She was — is — what people call a handsome woman , a phrase which has always struck me as a bit patronising .
11 No , ’ he went on weightily , ‘ not even in the interests of a firm which has always regarded continuity in its staff as of paramount importance to its operation . ’
12 YESTERDAY 's statement from Mr Nicholas Ridley on the Bar low Clowes affair marks an extraor dinary about-turn for a Government which has always denied any legal responsibility for the losses suffered by 18,000 investors .
13 But for a company which had always prided itself on its ‘ family ’ aspect it was a cruel blow .
14 Before long they had signed with Virgin , a company which has always shown an alarming propensity to hire and fire Scots talent at the drop of a CD .
15 He moves into a long attempt , which takes up the rest of the book , to revise the earlier ontology of Being and Nothingness into a new ontology of action and even of History , as if , after all , he is investigating the prospect of accrediting the latter with ontological status — a possibility which has always haunted his text in its insistent negation .
16 That explanation throws some light on a phenomenon which has always puzzled behavioural biologists .
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