Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [is] [that] it have " in BNC.

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1 The irony is that it 's all been dead for us lately .
2 The most telling comment on the wealth of the metropolis is that it had more men worth upwards of £100 than most other towns had taxpayers of all grades ; indeed , the number of four-figure assessments equalled the total taxpayers of some tiny market towns .
3 However , the most significant objection to the Act is that it has extended the scope of the common law exemption so that husbands are not criminally liable for acts of buggery or indecent assault perpetrated against their wives , save in the exceptional circumstances mentioned above .
4 The proposal that Hartle and I made can be paraphrased as : The boundary condition of the universe is that it has no boundary .
5 One could say : " The boundary condition of the universe is that it has no boundary . "
6 The snag is that it has no main bank behind it .
7 The point is that it has taken players like Wallace and Hardenberger to contradict the cliches about the limitations of the instrument and to prove how flexible it really is .
8 But the truth is that it has entirely disappeared , and , try though they might , later scholars have been unsuccessful in establishing any convincing connection with any extant instrument .
9 United States proponents of the maquilas argue that these jobs are bound to go anyway and that the advantage of the maquila industry on the border is that it has always used a high proportion of US materials , components and services .
10 To ensure that this is being achieved , watch out for two essential ingredients : One is that the combi-steamer produces fresh clean steam from its own generator , and the other is that it has an efficient waste air quenching system .
11 The most striking feature of the rotor is that it has a different number of teeth to the stator ; the example of Fig.1.5 has four rotor teeth .
12 But the chances are it will still be there , and the evidence is that it has existed in a recognizable form throughout human history , everywhere in the world .
13 The real failure of the Polytechnic is that it has not established a community of academics with a corporate identity and with sound machinery for democratic decision making .
14 One disadvantage of the tokamak is that it has a pulsed discharge ( although there have been various suggestions as to how we might design a continuous tokamak ) while the stellarator and EBT are DC ( continuous ) toroidal configurations .
15 The essence of the countryside is that it has a very low level of development , and farming and forestry predominate .
16 Mair said calmly : The answer is that it has n't ; the publicity was premature .
17 The reason is that it has muscles which work to resist gravity and other physical forces bearing upon the whole body .
18 The advantage to the bank is that it has the use of a deposit for a fixed period , but , because of the flexibility given to the lender , at a slightly lower price than it would have had to pay for a normal time deposit .
19 However , the feeling among certain firms on the scheme is that it has not done much if anything to generate business from new clients .
20 The problem is that it has the effect of actually reinforcing alienation , leaving room for that disjunction from the natural world which allows certain scientists to behave with inconceivable cruelty in their laboratories , which allows workers in slaughter houses to treat animals as if they simply had no rights or feelings at all , which allows people to justify all manner of exploitation , as if there were no moral obligations or injunctions upon us whatsoever .
21 The actual state of the market is that it 's flooded with property , so we have a case where supply has increased , demand is still at a fairly low level , so we 're having to be very honest with our clients , our vendors , and let them know that the situation is that their property has to be of good value in the market place .
22 Personally , I do not support that concept , but the fact is that it has given rise to a large number of settlements on the west bank and even in the Gaza strip .
23 The motion before such a committee is that it has considered an instrument , so that the only means of protest is to vote against the motion — in effect , deny doing what has been done !
24 A drawback is that it 's put them in the frame for some pretty clueless advances from non-comprehending journalists eager to get to the bottom of this modernist lark .
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