Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [adv] that it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This is recognised by s 17(3) of the SGSA which amends s 7(4) of the UCTA so that it applies only in cases where s 7(3A) has no application .
2 Twist the wire round the foot so that it sits tightly , forming a protective coil around the tubular feet .
3 Her hair had been flattened by the storm so that it made Trent think of a squashed astrakan hat .
4 Trim the edges so they are straight and even , and cut the strip so that it measures the circumference of the cake .
5 Using a more powerful cocktail of bio-tech moisturisers , Vitamins A and E together with deHydrocholesterol , Time-Complex aims to ‘ re-programme ’ the skin so that it starts to behave with youthful efficiency .
6 Perhaps this attitude of ‘ cooling it ’ , ‘ turning off ’ , ‘ keeping his head down ’ , ‘ disengaging ’ on the part of the failing student is a special case of what Roy Cox ( 1967 ) had in mind when he said : ‘ It is clear that where students are assessed in a way which is not seen to be relevant to what they are aiming at they will tend to distort and degrade the assessment so that it does not become a source of esteem . ’
7 Place this on the very top of the roof so that it bends over on each side .
8 He shook his head , his hair catching the light so that it gleamed with a blue fire .
9 Delegates at Blackpool voted overwhelmingly to re-admit the EETPU now that it has merged with the engineers to form the million-strong AEEU .
10 She transformed the entrance so that it sang a welcome to the visitor .
11 She ran a hand over her hair , arranged the shawl so that it covered both her and the baby , and went out with her long resolute stride ; she had recovered quickly from this birth .
12 They walked like robots until Doyle yelled , ‘ Stop ! ’ with half his voice whirled away by the wind so that it came to them as a little thread of sound .
13 Apparently , in the movements before a 360 ° loop the board is headed into the wind so that it takes off from the wave at an oblique angle .
14 It was raining outside , a thin veil of rain that was blown by the wind so that it appeared to undulate in the air like gossamer curtains .
15 Press the strip around the inside of the tin so that it fits neatly into the square or loaf tin .
16 With a low-powered winch or tow car , the acceleration is far slower and there is plenty of time to get the glider nicely balanced on the wheel so that it leaves the ground with a safe margin of speed .
17 Adjust the height of the fitting so that it does n't obscure your view across the table while you 're eating , but is n't so high that you can look into the shade at the bulb .
18 We do n't pressurise the horse so that it gets more and more upset : remember , it will remember !
19 Trim the sponge so that it fits snugly into the base .
20 Below this a valve closes , dividing the airflow to the engine so that it runs as two separate three cylinder units .
21 8.6.2 replace or modify the Converted Text of the Work so that it becomes non-infringing .
22 Future risks — ‘ there should be a cultural shift in the audit so that it looks forward as well as backward ’ .
23 The envoys — I do not know by what trickery they were deceived [ here Nithard bursts out into the first person ] — thus increased Lothar 's share of the regnum so that it extended as far as the Charbonnière . "
24 What is needed is for Parliament to amend the Act so that it explains exactly how far the rule-making powers go .
25 The order of movements is relatively unimportant compared to the necessity of making an immediate forward movement to reduce the angle of attack of the wing so that it unstalls .
26 Jotan twitched the sword so that it broke the skin again .
27 Set the microphone so that it picks up that group and use the resulting recording to set tasks for trainees which focus them on the learner .
28 The user should rename the file so that it does not exceed the LIFESPAN maximum filename length .
29 One eye shifts right round the body so that it takes up a position alongside the other .
30 When the moon came up , a full moon that illuminated the wet stony surface of the Waste so that it shone like a polished shield , they were able to go more quickly amongst the dappled and striped shadows of the trees .
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