Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [adv] [adv] to be " in BNC.

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1 I 'd sat on my palliasse writing notes , watching Selma plait her hair , trying to decide when to get up and walk down the inlet far enough to be out of sight in order to go to the loo .
2 I positioned myself in the entrance to the doorway sufficiently enough to be able to see through the er the window we have in the shield erm to see quickly into the room to see er what 's in the room and if there are any persons in the room .
3 It was found that end-users were able to master the basic commands of the interface sufficiently well to be able to retrieve references on search topics within their fields of interest .
4 In both countries , a significant fraction is of ‘ unknown ’ origin or ‘ background ’ , in the air long enough to be difficult to assign to any one source .
5 Judging from the number of Londoners who ended by having to pay more than they were initially assessed for , this refrain could have been sung a bit too often to be convincing .
6 The answer to that is simply to make sure that we use radiation of a wavelength short enough to be compatible with whatever accuracy we choose to specify .
7 But with her view of her caller blocked by the open door and her guest , Leith was in too much of a dilemma just then to be too infuriated by the liberty he had taken .
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