Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [pers pn] [modal v] [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Despite his tuggings with the wrench he could n't get the screw to shift .
2 If they had not abandoned you then you would not be here , you would not be wanting to run the width of the compound to drink the shit you would n't give your dog at home .
3 I only found you this morning , and reckoning by the tide you could n't have been there long .
4 With the raft being swept away by the tide she could n't climb back on board and was struggling when the lifeboat crew reached her .
5 Our first time , the afternoon we could n't keep our hands and our mouths away from each other .
6 ‘ — but if Ross had n't twisted Owen 's arm and made him take the money we would n't have been able to afford even a shoe-box .
7 But er no , we were talking and she said if I give you the money you wo n't go and spend it on the
8 Geoff said if I had n't have wanted the money I would n't have bothered .
9 When there 's pigs in the field we wo n't eat pork chops .
10 Off the field you may not notice him .
11 On the field you can not fail to notice him .
12 As with replacements , there would be a maximum number allowed and , unlike rugby league , once a player has left the field he can not return .
13 And Goldberg , on his pad : If the fool had ever bothered to read what I have written on the subject in the essay on aura and the hour he would not have flailed about as he does here .
14 And the endowment you ca n't extend it .
15 No I , no , I mean you really respond very well , that Tchaikovsky was lovely , I understand at the present you ca n't do as much and admirable as you 're still doing .
16 Maggie would have left at that point , but as her bed was in the kitchen she could n't get into it until after he 'd left the room .
17 The dog was watering the delphiniums and I was on my knees and elbows , bottom in the air , trying to push the ashtray in from a different angle , in the hope he would n't notice it , when the garden gate creaked open — it was the postman .
18 I 'm speaking fast in the hope you might not write it down erm and how to interpret a correlation coefficient and what it means .
19 But for that he would have got his sword out of its scabbard , and the fight they could not afford would have been on in earnest .
20 If you do n't know the password you ca n't come in .
21 " Before , we were only a minority who complained , but with the association we wo n't stand for it any more .
22 Mr. Jeffreys contended that on a fair reading of the subsection it can not have been the intention that every one of an owner 's rights had to be assumed by the alleged thief before an appropriation was proved and that essential ingredient of the offence of theft established .
23 The island was a small one in the this has got a heart middle of the pond I could n't find the right line that 's why I did that .
24 Yeah , yeah , oh yes of course a lot of the people were , that were in the we were in under the balcony but they were up to their knees in plaster and goodness knows what that had come out of the roof they could n't move it all dropped round them .
25 The monument you will not raise when I am dead :
26 Well well if you switch the telly you wo n't find
27 If you 're living in the light you wo n't stumble .
28 ‘ When Chelsea signed me Ian Porterfield told me that if I got in the side he would n't drop me so I want to make up for lost time . ’
29 We are also gravely concerned because at the Lavenham parish meeting Mr Tony Webster of Atlas Aggregates categorically refused to give an assurance that in the future they would not apply to extend the mining operation to other parts of Cross Green Farm .
30 The old standards of nursing management having superior status to clinical nurses are gradually phasing themselves out , and certainly in the future you will not have to move away from the bedside solely to boost levels of pay .
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