Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [pers pn] [conj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Having watched the game live on the telly I though Leeds did a great job containing the scum , and remember we went the closest to scoring in the end !
2 By entering the forest she and Allen had launched themselves into a stream of events that carried them with it .
3 After the war she and Gordon moved to another part of London .
4 He had opened the 1961 claret for them because that was the wine he and Dom had chosen to drink and it had n't occurred to him to offer his guests less .
5 Before they had parted on the Flamingo she had given Ernest the name of the boardinghouse where the Carsons had made arrangements to stay , and he had promised to write to her the minute he and Charlotte arrived at their destination .
6 After a slow start which prompted the field man to threaten to take a ‘ stat ’ Blake now considers the firm to be abreast of the schedule he and King have set .
7 Nora had not seen her like that since the day she and Sam had arrived at Coutances .
8 She remembered the evening because his parents had given him an awful sweater for his birthday and between comedy programmes on the television she and Alan thought up alternative uses for an awful sweater .
9 But she was thinking more of Ianthe Broome and the man she and Penelope had seen that afternoon , and wondering what they would be like .
10 After the honeymoon she and Hubert slept in the same room but in single beds .
11 no that 's right , yeah , I mean , I , I 've said it , I do n't care , but er I 've said in the past that er , I think some of the reason me and Ann split up was , I mean she always used to say I never treated her right and all things like that , I did you know , and I do care for her , but a lot of the things was I never showed it because erm if anything bothered me I never know it showed and it did n't bloody bother me because I 'd resolved myself after Julie that I 'd never let anything bother me again
12 There chips just a tiny bit well you see you do n't do it with style the way me and Emma do take you to Palma sit on a bench eating them !
13 Corman naturally agreed with this assessment and is not saying whether or not it was the way he and Nicholson intended it .
14 Rory talked fast and funnily , told them of the rat they 'd found in the caravan when they 'd come to it , recounted the horrors of a little restaurant in Buncrana where they 'd eaten the night before , and laughed at the way he and Mallachy had sailed past the beach a thousand times before deciding to boldly ask them for a drink .
15 To Libby it seemed as though he was marking out boundaries the way she and George had done the winter it snowed ; making footsteps in the dense white stuff , indicating territories .
16 After directing the Verity films , the company she and Sydney formed during the Second World War , she moved into independent feature production .
17 It was a smell so keen that it momentarily brought back the holiday she and Martin had spent in Amalfi , the trudge hand-in-hand up the winding road to the mountain-top , the pile of lemons and oranges by the roadside , putting their noses to those golden , pitted skins , the laughter and the happiness .
18 She had been thinking a lot about the conversation she and Leila had had back at Lazar 's , the talk of sky cities and escape .
19 The nearest he gets to his usual form is during a discussion about the Mondays ' donation to the Hard Rock Café , coming to the grinning conclusion he should send ‘ a bong made from a Boddingtons beer tin , a packet of Rizla , some tinfoil , an empty skag packet and the sheet me and Bez slept on when we shared a flat together .
20 By the time he and Norman strode out to try to win the 1986 British Open , Bender had been caddying for eighteen years , having picked up his first serious bag when he was 18 years old .
21 Paterson told police that on the night of the fire he and Bailey had gone to investigate the broken window incase there were intruders in the hangar .
22 Every night she and Ranald helped the old man move four hives up the four miles of rough track to the heather moor .
23 That was a phrase she and Benny used all the time .
24 He may have had in mind a letter he and Congress had received just weeks before , containing excerpts from Queer City and Live Sex Acts , two publications of The Portable Lower East Side , an NEA-sponsored semiannual literary journal in New York City .
25 Vaguely she remembered a conversation she and Susan had had on Christmas Eve .
26 The problem with that was that every time me and James played , we played with varying degrees of attack on our guitars so we were constantly out of tune with each other because the strings were flapping around so much . ’
27 Henry told Donald some of this , as he did every time he and Donald used the pub , and Donald nodded and smiled and said : ‘ Really !
28 got a van him and Nigel got a van now
29 It was absurd for her to be going on such an expedition She and Matthew sat at the back of the bus , and while they were bowling along into the country , with a beautiful view of the landscape , Matthew explained the history of the school forest .
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