Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [noun pl] [conj] if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The landlord should be responsible for ensuring that the works are carried out in accordance with the building documents and if there are any variations , it must either have them corrected or obtain the tenant 's consent to their remaining .
2 And then they were raked into Well we just er If they were dry they were raked into big swathes , to be near where you could build the tramp coles But if they were n't you would put them into little coles and the and then they were the little coles was put up t t together to make a bigger one .
3 I would rather not have that on the subject reports but if it 's going to be on i for the sake of coherence the comments should be together .
4 well Akhenaten took it even further and it was an offence punishable by death to even say the word gods and if you visit Ancient Egypt and walk around the ruins , you will occasionally know they were fond of putting these hieroglyphic erm er inscriptions over everything .
5 I 'm s sure sir , you 're aware it 's outside the City walls and if you 're commu commu If rail travel is possible from a new settlement to the Town Centre , the actual nu proportion of people using the rail , I would submit it would be very small , because say if you 're a shop worker in er Marks and Spencers , then you 've got a considerable walk from York City Station for example .
6 Er er er market forces everywhere er you you 'll see now it 's all for the market forces and if you have market forces a few on the top and all the rest at the bottom .
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