Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [noun pl] [conj] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 These splinters soon collected enough dirt and fluff to block the drain holes and there we were with a puddle again .
2 Is the Minister aware that a number of people in the west midlands and elsewhere who took the opportunity of buying their accommodation now find that their homes have been repossessed as a direct result of Government economic policy ?
3 They had melted the snow with a little water from the car radiators and now it was freezing into a mirror of ice .
4 I sent this amazing jet of spray on to the sleeping bags and then I said to Babs that we should next get Andrew to do a version of Handel 's Water Music .
5 We know about the Desert Shield with the Desert Rats and now it is the Desert Storm .
6 One used to be called the bottoms and one used to be called the Meadow Flats and yet they both led to the same place .
7 The storage of grain or many bolts of cloth imposed loads upon the structures of these buildings almost as heavy as the machinery contained in the textile mills and therefore their construction had to be equally robust and similarly fireproof .
8 Disney had considered closing the park during the Winter months but instead they 're offering a whole package of cut price deals .
9 The system is clearly designed for support of the operating units and once there is less danger of a , central bureaucratic expansion .
10 Then , simply fix any one of the cleaning accessories and away you go .
11 Pilot Y completed the landing checks and then his own , final reminder : greens , reds , blues .
12 ‘ One day , he would tell me , I would be in the record books and so I should remain ageless .
13 What she said to me on the subject of the race riots and how she felt in that context makes me think that this stage in her life was nothing to do with race .
14 He wondered whether they would see the Tree Spirits and then he wondered whether they wanted to see them .
15 Saturday night at the Cauldhame Arms and there I stood as usual at the back of the packed , smoke-filled room at the rear of the hotel , a plastic pint glass in my hand full of lager , my legs braced slightly on the floor in front of me , my back against a wallpapered pillar , and Jamie the dwarf sitting on my shoulders , resting his pint of Heavy on my head now and again and engaging me in conversation .
16 We 've been feeling for some time that our children are feeling that they 've been left alone , because er when they come to the temple they are too young to understand anything which is being explained from the stage , because er the speakers , or the preachers , have to cater for all the age groups and normally it 's for the , those who understand , already understand about Sikhism .
17 Just to s talk a little bit on the smoke alarms and then we 'll go into the video cos I I 'm mindful of the time .
18 It depends upon how such a change is theorized and this , in turn , is related to different theoretical accounts of how the economy changes and how it is organized .
19 So I had a er I got him set up for the morning jobs and then I did the afternoon jobs with him .
20 They did n't theek the hay stacks though , well Yes when er There was the tramp coles and then they broke them into what they called the big hay stacks but they were great big round great big
21 Despite his hot streak of goals , Quinn has not yet been on the winning side for the Sky Blues and now he wants to put that unwanted record in the dustbin .
22 Hopefully , everyone is ready , sitting in the Green Room behind the set , and then the music plays and on I go .
23 It is not a simple case that we can run along , sell a few houses , get the capital receipts and suddenly we can go off and have a wonderful programme and replace the assets which we have sold and when we 're talking about assets in this case I think there 's one crucial difference between us and you and that is we recognise that that is n't just an asset it is a person 's home a person 's home , that 's so important an a I 'm , just to talk about it as if it is is something else , y'know , just some petrified lump of cattle , petrified lump of stock money that was doing no good whatsoever , is a nonsense and I think most of us would agree that it is a complete and utter nonsense .
24 but since Geoffrey is actually one of the UFAF trustees as well it will all quickly fit in together
25 Hydrogen , helium and methane would not condense to form cloud particles at the pressures and temperatures through the cloud regions and therefore their relative abundances apply throughout the atmosphere .
26 cos they do n't wan na be , cos it seems bad but when , when they 're in the , when they 're in the ballot box , when , when they 're in the voting booths and then they 're faced with the question then , do they want
27 Arriving at a design for a new product , he insists , entails seeking marketing advice , weighing up how the product is going to be made and manufactured , understanding the cost elements and how it is going to be sold and presented to the customer .
28 If you have the country parks and already there is no hunting on those parts open to the public there 's just about another hundred acres , that 's the Victoria Park or thereabouts in total .
29 Now any occurrences of unc within CHAN unc ( other than their declaration ) are syntactically incorrect — for P' contains no PAR constructs and so there is no place for internal communications on these channels .
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