Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [Wh det] it [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 that , that there are others equally we say that we women to determine what happens to their own bodies and their destiny is for them , I respect that view too but in those circumstances you do n't resolve problems by the majority whatever it happens to be determining what the minority will do .
2 He will recall that , when British Rail proposed that Waterloo should be the first channel tunnel station , not only did it say that one station was sufficient and that it did not need a second one but , in the case which it put to the House of Lords during the discussions , it said specifically that King 's Cross was not an appropriate location for a second station .
3 Known for his quirky sayings , Kahn taught his pupils always to ask the building what it wanted to be .
4 " Since literature is a reflection of social life " , he argued , " the standard by which it should be gauged is precisely the attitude which it takes to such great facts of historical development as the war , the October Revolution and fascism . "
5 ‘ On sentencing any person convicted of murder to imprisonment for life the court may at the same time declare the period which it recommends to the Secretary of State as the minimum period which in its view should elapse before the Secretary of State orders the release of that person on licence under section 27 of the Prison Act 1952 …
6 ‘ declare the period which it recommends to the Secretary of State as the minimum period which in its view should elapse before the Secretary of State orders the release of that person on licence …
7 Yes , and I do hope that at the same time that we 've been talking about how relatively practical religion has become , that we shall remember the mystery which it witnesses to .
8 Although it is not in itself part of the system which generates intensional structures , and we shall not make the term part of our fundamental descriptive apparatus , we may say that the property of an adjective applies to an entity when the language user takes the property which it designates to be valid ( in positive statements ) for some entity which he or she also recognizes ( even if the entity itself may be acknowledged as an imaginary one ) .
9 All local agreements up and down the country which it counted to eighty odds were all scrubbed and there was what you call a national agreement established to cover the whole of Scotland which meant the man in the remotest part of Scotland got the same wages and conditions as in as the man in Edinburgh or Glasgow or any big city .
10 Before the Second World War it was still decreed by the Women 's Cricket Association that women cricketers should wear white stockings — a rule which it has to be said was not always adhered to by the players .
11 It may assist the court to sever any part of a clause which it finds to be objectionable , leaving the rest enforceable .
12 The House of Lords held that the company had correctly been convicted of making a statement which it knew to be false .
13 Being too drunk to get yourself home safely , sleeping wherever there 's a bed — no matter whose it happens to be … ’
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