Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [Wh det] [pron] [vb past] to " in BNC.

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1 Erm reference has been made er a couple of times to the appendix which I attached to my submission , that 's the map and the schedule of strategic constraints , I feel I ought not to let it pass without some comment .
2 He will recall that , when British Rail proposed that Waterloo should be the first channel tunnel station , not only did it say that one station was sufficient and that it did not need a second one but , in the case which it put to the House of Lords during the discussions , it said specifically that King 's Cross was not an appropriate location for a second station .
3 Known for his quirky sayings , Kahn taught his pupils always to ask the building what it wanted to be .
4 After the vote Etpison expressed his disappointment over the result which he attributed to a weariness towards the issue by the voters , a sentiment apparently underlined by the comparatively low turnout .
5 On 20 June 1757 , Bartram acknowledged the February letter , together with six cedar cones , parts of the Dictionary and Figures , and confirmed that he had sent the Gale which he believed to be a new genus ; in this he was right , for L'Heritier later founded the genus Comptonia upon it .
6 There are several such comments in the sermon which he preached to a national council apparently in 1008 , and which became the law codes V and VI Æthelred .
7 " And have you told the child what you had to ? " she asked .
8 Marx was , as Engels stressed in his funeral oration , first and foremost a revolutionary , and so the importance which he attached to the study of pre-literate peoples , the traditional field of anthropology , might at first seem strange .
9 I have dealt at length with these tedious and superficially unimportant details because they are the only area of activity in Anselm 's years as archbishop in which a clear , persistent , and deeply felt course of action — such as can properly be described as a ‘ policy ’ — can be detected ; and if we are to understand his mind , we must understand the importance which he attached to this issue .
10 Indeed overall , he says surprisingly little about Grace and next to nothing about the sacramental life ; for these reasons one might regret the title which he gave to the three books gathered into one — Mere Christianity — for it implies that he has written a sort of mini-Summa or encyclopaedia of theology .
11 Saving only the fealty which he owed to his father he swore allegiance to Philip against all men .
12 Gray 's comments evoke a kind of mystical disenchantment with the movement which he found to be too focused on an intellectual critique of society .
13 One of the consequences of the questionnaire which we sent to you a year ago was that we are making particular links with alumni who are teachers .
14 That has brought us back again to the conundrum which you posed to me and in the face of which I had to express my helplessness — namely , how do we make the silent majority unsilent since that is by definition impossible ?
15 Well I er do n't agree that there has been er understaffing and in the statement which I made to the House today I was able to point out what a very big increase in er the total complement of the prison officers has taken place during recent years , but it 's up to Lord Justice Woolf to look in to whatever evidence is put before him , it 's for him to look at the terms of reference and he will no doubt decide what is relevant and what is not .
16 By the time the news reached Lyons , Anselm would have been Hugh 's guest for about six months , and the letter which he wrote to the new pope shows a remarkable advance on the letter he had written to Urban II two years earlier .
17 The crux of the letter which he wrote to the secretary of the OTC on 9 August 1922 was the matter of his nationality .
18 Each riding forester had under him two or three walking foresters , who made annual payments to him equal to the amount of the farm which he paid to the warden .
19 The reason which they gave to me was that they did not believe that a man with my social background could win a General Election for the Conservative Party at that time in the twentieth century .
20 The idea may then be for the surviving spouse to give the property ( which she took under the deed of variation ) to the children and make a potentially exempt transfer under IHTA 1984 , s3A : provided she survives seven years no inheritance tax will have been payable on the death or on the gift or indeed on her death by reference to the property which she gave to the children .
21 All local agreements up and down the country which it counted to eighty odds were all scrubbed and there was what you call a national agreement established to cover the whole of Scotland which meant the man in the remotest part of Scotland got the same wages and conditions as in as the man in Edinburgh or Glasgow or any big city .
22 He had no real intention of assaulting her , however great the temptation which she presented to him .
23 We shall say the same if , when the testator had instituted a sole heir , for the sake of the person who would be heir on intestacy he wrote ‘ I ask in place of the estate which I left to you , which would pass on intestacy to my brother , that you be content with 100 gold pieces . '
24 In Amoco Lord Cross said the fact that a covenantor had obtained and would continue to enjoy benefits under the agreement which he claimed to be unenforceable was pro tanto a reason for holding that the covenant was not in unreasonable restraint of trade .
25 He accompanied King James on the visit which he made to Scotland to impose episcopacy , and in his sermons there supported him in this venture , which was to have calamitous results for the monarchy in the next reign .
26 On the other hand , there were people like Spaak and the Italian premier , Alcide de Gasperi , who were prepared to accept things for what they were , to see the Council of Europe as a first step in the right direction , not an end — and a direction which they believed to be merely inevitable .
27 She wrote a cheque which she handed to me .
28 He was also a superb phonetician , and a master of mimicry , a technique which he used to the full as a raconteur .
29 Without consulting her it began to move faster , inciting her lover to a rhythm which he responded to triumphantly , accelerating in time with their heartbeats , taking her with him towards the culmination she 'd been given a foretaste of , which paled in comparison to the flooding rapture which overtook her seconds before Penry gasped , stiffened , then crushed her in his arms as their breathing slowed in the shared diminuendo of the aftermath .
30 In a telegram which he sent to Bismarck , which he authorized his Minister to publish , the King gave an account of what had happened at Ems .
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