Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [that] can [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , although every Australian has an equal right to be treated in a public hospital , the income that can be derived from treating a privately insured patient is greater than that for treating a public patient in the same facilities .
2 We are all aware of the damage that can be done by threatening to ‘ call a policeman ’ or ‘ fetch the bogeyman ’ , but many more casual phrases — never intended as a threat — can do just as much harm .
3 This , it will now be seen , can be justified not only by necessary limitations of space , but by the advantage that can be gained in many respects from sacrificing generality in favour of contextual particularity .
4 It is not a comprehensive inspection but should be sufficient to obtain a general opinion of the parts of the building that can be seen .
5 It 's the part that can be told in an article which is tracing some of the effects of heterosexism .
6 It has been proved that creativity is a new development of the mind that can be cultivated .
7 The process demonstrates both response to external pressure and the action that can be taken between companies which are both based in industrialised ( and therefore interdependent ) countries .
8 I support the Bill , because anything that can add to the action that can be taken against car thieves is welcome .
9 Radar can provide a more direct determination of axial period if there is a feature in the echo that can be inferred to have come from a surface feature on the planet , such as a mountain or a region with a particular composition or texture .
10 I feel that this demonstrates quite dramatically the effect that can be achieved , and the mood created by each of the different tinted papers .
11 This is to demonstrate the effect that can be produced just by using the different tinted papers .
12 The appointments and preferments policies of the present Prime Minister has shown the influence that can be borne in these matters .
13 Any food enjoyed by the child that can be given in small ‘ pieces ’ for example : yoghurt , cheese , biscuits .
14 That is , the tax that can be recovered inside the PEP will reduce from £25 per £75 dividend distribution to £18.75 — a fall in income of 6.25 per cent .
15 The tray should be in a part of the room that can be mopped up easily , but not isolated from the rest of the children and adults in the group .
16 It seems to inhibit the attention that can be paid to the needs and natures of different young people living in different communities .
17 He meant that the deepest and profoundest truth , the truth that ultimately matters and is in the end really worth grasping , can not be of the sort that can be contemplated and appropriated in an attitude of serene detachment .
18 At the bottom of the argument about running state schools like a chain of McDonalds hamburger restaurants , handing out Big Mac gift vouchers to disadvantaged kids , is the issue of whether education is ultimately just a utilitarian service to the marketplace that can be understood in simple commercial language , or something more important and fundamental that warrants different treatment .
19 Equally , the joy that can be experienced together in achieving our goals Is Immeasurable .
20 Under such conditions , any information about the site that can be salvaged is regarded as a bonus .
21 That proportion of the crop that can be eaten — or at least which is harvestable — is called the ‘ harvest index ’ ; and even with well-bred crops such as wheat , the harvest index is unlikely to be above 60 per cent .
22 Principles are like the moon that can be reflected in a thousand pools — if we choose to look in the right direction into a pool .
23 The ‘ User 's Guide to LIFESPAN PMR ’ provides guidance to online users on how to use the facility and provides examples of the output that can be generated .
24 I HAVE burned the midnight oil scanning the arid wastes of computer programming manuals , but at last a publisher has come up with a series of inexpensive , factually sound but palatable titles which aim to introduce the beginner to the fun that can be had with calculators , computers and cassette recorders .
25 The approach of all these Usborne books is to introduce the reader to the fun that can be had with electronics .
26 The Prisoners ' Dilemma is an interesting metaphor for the fundamental biological problem of how cooperative behaviour may evolve and be maintained ; alternative approaches involve , for example , studies of how the patchiness that can be created by limited dispersal or population ‘ viscosity ’ might favour the evolution of altruism through the elevation of inclusive fitness within kin groups .
27 It is the name that can be given to a historical construct .
28 If the mixture is stirred vigorously , the tin particles form a froth on the top that can be scraped off .
29 The evidence that can be obtained through the available windows is of four major kinds .
30 We have therefore to consider the motives of those in charge of the decentralized units , and the control that can be exercised by the central executive .
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