Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] the [num] years " in BNC.

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1 It is as inadequate to argue , for example , that the PCF was simply the institutional terrain in which Nizan pursued a carefully orchestrated campaign of political and literary self-advancement and careerism , as it is to argue that for the majority of the ten years that he spent in the PCF Nizan remained unaware of the imperfections of Stalinist Soviet communism .
2 One could attempt to limit the " period of difficulty " to the two years by having a declaration of solvency ( if applicable ) sworn by the husband at the same time as he makes the conveyance ( see Chapter 10 , Precedent 81 ) and hope that that is acceptable to a prospective purchaser from the wife between the expiry of the two years and five year period .
3 In the case of the Hundred Years War , the causes of the conflict were to be found both in the long historic links between England and France , links which were gradually becoming weaker , and in the need to express in new terms the relationship between the two countries ( arguably the two most powerful in western society in the late Middle Ages ) taking into account elements such as national consciousness and diverging methods of government ( to name but two ) which historians recognise as being characteristic of late medieval European society as a whole .
4 The armoury was founded by Altgraf Ernst Salentin ( 1621–84 ) who inherited and began restoring the castle in 1645 following the damage of the Thirty Years War .
5 A lively portrait of Albert and the literary and musical aspirations of his circle is contained in Günter Grass 's The Meeting at Telgte which also provides an evocative and credible background to the horror of the Thirty Years ' War .
6 One point made by the Executive was that it would be good to evaluate the course before the three years is up .
7 The rent should be based on one quarter from the 1989 payment and three quarters from 1990 but as there is no change in the rent over the two years the expense is the same .
8 It was a theme that was to be taken up by mediators between the two kingdoms until the outbreak of the Hundred Years War .
9 We have no other details of this aspect of Anglo-French relations before the outbreak of the Hundred Years War .
10 The outbreak of the Hundred Years War itself was not unconnected with intrigues on behalf of men such as Robert of Artois in which northern Frenchmen had important vested interests .
11 Though the official figures are not easy to interpret it seems that at the outbreak of the Seven Years War about half its manpower was drawn either from the jails of London and other cities or from the crews of foreign ships .
12 Mention the economic and social sequelae , the effect on the Hundred Years ' War when soldiers , too , fell victim … the weakening of England 's hold on territories in France .
13 When older workers were compared on the basis of their proximity to pension age when the redundancies took place , the proportion of the three years between redundancy and interview spent in retirement increased dramatically , the closer they were to pension age .
14 ‘ For me , the manual is too firmly rooted in the philosophy of the 25 years old Buchanan report : the acceptance of growth in car traffic rather than living standards as the starting point for transport planning , the passive acceptance of declining public transport , the idea that we must choose between accessibility and environmental quality and the rather spurious notion that economic vitality demands a certain level of access by car ’
15 … Now , in this case , it was agreed , that the defendant should quit at Candlemas ; and though the agreement is void as to the number of years for which the defendant was to hold , if the lessor chooses to determine the tenancy before the expiration of the seven years , he can only put an end to it at Candlemas .
16 ‘ I always felt partial ownership of the business throughout the 16 years I was managing director , ’ he says .
17 Peter III was personally responsible for the abrupt cessation of hostilities against a prostrate Prussia in the midst of the Seven Years War .
18 Traditionally the period of the Hundred Years War has been regarded as the time when the crown of France made great steps forward towards the achievement of a policy of centralisation begun under the Capetians some two centuries earlier .
19 It is this decision which is taken to mark the beginning of the Hundred Years War .
20 In both England and France , at the beginning of the Hundred Years War , the command structures were broadly similar .
21 That event is usually seen as the beginning of the Thirty Years War .
22 Writing this in 1757 , at the beginning of the Seven Years War , Malachi Postlethwayt may have failed to prophesy the exact sequence of war and peace , but he perceived clearly enough the interactions between war , debt and taxation which largely determined the public policy of Hanoverian England .
23 It 's an age when we feel but do n't think yet , but you did n't seem to have learnt a thing about either yourself or Jones in the whole of the six years since I saw you last . ’
24 Fourteen years The tenant will be entitled ( in certain circumstances ) to compensation under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s37 , equal to the production of the appropriate multiplier and twice the rateable value of the holding if : ( 1 ) during the whole of the fourteen years immediately preceding the termination of his tenancy , premises being or comprised in the holding have been occupied for the purposes of a business carried on by the occupier or for those and other purposes ; and ( 2 ) if during those fourteen years , there was a change in the occupier of the premises , the new occupier was the successor to the business carried on by the old occupier ( Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s37(2) , ( 3 ) ) .
25 The Carrian proceedings , at their various stages , were current for the whole of the five years between 1983 and 1988 .
26 Five years The tenant 's right to compensation under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s37 , may be excluded or modified by agreement unless : ( 1 ) during the whole of the five years immediately preceding the date on which the tenant , under a tenancy to which the Act applies is to quit the holding , premises being or comprised in the holding have been occupied for the purposes of a business carried on by the occupier or for those and other purposes ; and ( 2 ) if , during those five years , there was a change in the occupier of the premises , the new occupier was a successor to the business carried on by the old occupier ( Landlord and Tenant Act 1958 , s38(2) , ( 3 ) ) .
27 Clare is one of several Nottingham graduates working at Caversham and possibly the only Nottingham graduate to have used here Serbo-Croat for the whole of the 20 years since graduating .
28 The evidence in the two years since he took over at the club suggests Mr O'Neill 's best efforts will be enough to secure promotion from the GM Vauxhall Conference .
29 According to Bernier , who regularly visited the fort over the six years that he spent in and around Delhi :
30 It would add 60 plus heavy trucks to the traffic for the five years plus of the construction .
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