Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [pron] give to the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In the main , the church and its leaders drew their importance from the support they gave to the existing powers and from their multiple involvements in education , social welfare and administration . ’
2 Bishop David has already appealed to us to double the money we give to the Church wherever we can .
3 Next , a story lifted from the Daily Mail about Professor Jerrold Petrofsky 's work in Dayton , Ohio , and the hope it gave to the paralysed PC Philip Olds .
4 The medieval choir school also survived — though renamed by Henry VIII ‘ the Kynges Newe Grammer Scole of Seynt Marie Oterey ’ — and like many provincial grammar schools throughout the land it continued to provide a modest education of the kind which gave to the youthful Shakespeare his ‘ small Latin , and less Greek ’ .
5 One particular incident which sticks in my mind which brought home to me how ill he was occurred when my mother sent me one morning to ask my father what he wanted for breakfast , to which he replied in a very vague and confused manner " hen mush " ( the term we gave to the vegetable matter we cooked up for the chickens ) .
6 K. Barrett 's book , Luke the Historian in Recent Study is the weight he gives to the Word as the prime agency through which the Spirit extends the good news of Christ .
7 The principal interest of these court appearances is in the confirmation they give to the portrait of the National Socialist League in the last months of peace .
8 The significance is the boost it gives to the AX 's performance , particularly in the context of the diesel .
9 Indeed it would be possible to identify some fells from the attention he gives to the geology and his affection for each fold of rock and each rattling , winding ghyll , without seeing the characteristic outline of the peak .
10 This accounts for the attention he gave to the reserves , or ‘ spare men ’ as he liked to call them .
11 We would hope that the Highways Department as a whole can unite to face the future and that both conditions for Highways staff and the service we give to the public can be maintained .
12 For the latter , the term God is the main religious symbol for the Ground of Being while , for the former , God is the name we give to the mysterious power that pervades the universe and not a symbol in the Tillichian sense .
13 So grammar is the name we give to the knowledge of how words are adapted and arranged to form sentences .
14 A third witness , you understand , adds no further dimension but only spreads it thinner , and a fourth thinner still , and the more witnesses there are the thinner it gets and the more reasonable it becomes until it is as thin as reality , the name we give to the common experience …
15 The publicity he gave to the idea in his paper was taken up by other newspapers and the example of Gloucester was followed all over the country .
16 And the smile he gave to the frozen victim of his indecent amusement was pure poison .
17 An individual scientist 's decision will depend on the priority he gives to the various factors .
18 If , on the other hand , you are not , then you need to make the effort and change the priority you give to the organisation of time .
19 If that is the sense they give to the word ‘ Panslavism ’ , oh ! then I am a Panslav .
20 Not the least surprising aspect of the BBC radio documentary ’ The Price of Perfection ’ was the space it gave to the aggrieved reminiscences of the Philharmonia Orchestra 's former first flute , Gareth Morris .
21 I must also emphasise that the answer I give to the question before me will be of general application .
22 The answer you gave to the question may have been brilliant and put together in a language marked by brevity and clarity .
23 I urge the Leader of the House to reconsider the answer he gave to the shadow Leader of the House about the possibility of a statement being made by the Home Secretary next week on the Brixton prison break-out .
24 Council leader Michael Carr said government restrictions had forced it to freeze the amount it gives to the bus companies .
25 Yeah , yeah , it 's the reason we give to the paper , or whatever .
26 The significance of both approaches is the challenge they gave to the ‘ naturalness ’ of what appear as basic divisions .
27 I swung the axe in swift rhythm , glad of the release it gave to the tension I felt building inside and around me .
28 Although we think of it now as a packaging material and the ubiquitous polythene bag appears to be a major support of modern life , its primary contribution was in the impetus it gave to the plastic moulding industry and the first development of plastic buckets , sink bowls and so on .
29 The series ' existence has hitherto only been known to people who visited the late Dollie de Rothschild 's ( died 1988 ) private house in London , but her heir Lord Rothschild has decided that they should go on display next year in Waddesdon Manor , the house she gave to the National Trust during her lifetime .
30 There are though , records of a talk she gave to the Royal Photographic Society at Russell Square in London on October 28th 1913 .
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